NPK-info 02-09-2001- Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Zondag op Radio 1: Jongerenorganisaties van diverse politieke partijen
net terug van een reis naar het MO; het reisverslag met conclusies komt
korte termijn uit. Een jongerenwoordvoerder kritiseerde op de radio de
"CIDI-reis" [*] van een week eerder vanwege het slechts gaan
naar Israel en
naar nederzettingen in bezet gebied, waarbij zelfs in Israel Palestijnse
organisaties werden 'vergeten'.
Woensdag 5 september praat de Kamercie voor Buitenlandse Zaken in een
Algemeen Overleg met minister Van Aartsen over de situatie in het
Op www.parlement.nl
staat waar en hoe laat precies; planning nu is van 14.00
uur tot 16.30 uur.
De bijeenkomst is openbaar.
Donderdag 6 september heeft de Stichting Groningen-Jabalya een openbare
ontmoeting met Palestijnen uit de Gazastrook [o.a. de burgemeester van
Vanaf 20.00 uur aan de Coehoornsingel 87.
Informatie via 050-3189550
* Bericht over de demonstratie/picketline vrijdag 31-8-2001
* Hanan Ashrawi in Durban, South Africa, August 28, 2001
World should intervene to end the Israeli Apartheid
Zie PFLP Official Website: www.pflp-pal.org
Zie New Left Review http://www.newleftreview.net/
met [in pdf-format]
- Scurrying towards Bethlehem, Perry Anderson
- Redividing Palestine, Guy Mandron
- Erasures, Gabriel Piterberg
- The tears of Zion, Yitzhak Laor
NPK/WL, 2-9-2001
[*] Een Steun-Israel-reis vanuit diverse joodse organisaties.
Over de demonstratie/picketline vrijdag 31-8-2001
* Bij de start van de demonstratie/picketline werd door de politie
dat burgemeester Deetman verboden had naar het Plein bij de Tweede Kamer
gaan. Onder protest is vervolgens akkoord gegaan met een route naar het
Vredespaleis. Het door de Haagse burgemeester meermalen wijzigen van
afspraken leidt tot
de conclusie dat er met hem geen afspraken te maken zijn. Hierover en
het recht op het houden van een picketline [een burgemeester moet dat
"faciliteren"] zal via de Haagse Gemeenteraad op korte
termijn gesproken worden.
* Bij het Vredespaleis - het Internationaal Gerechtshof - aangekomen
o.a. aangegeven dat "justice" precies dat is waar het om gaat
en er werd
herinnerd aan een eerdere uitspraak van Van Aartsen: "Zonder
geen vrede". Een delegatie uit de demonstratie sprak dit ook uit
bij de
Israelische ambassade.
De Haagse Courant van zaterdag bevatte een bij het Vredespaleis gemaakte
foto met een korte tekst; verder toonde de Wereldomroep aandacht.
Bij de aanleiding tot de demonstratie sluit het augustusnummer van
The Lines" goed aan.
De titel is: Confronting Assassination. Het openingsartikel "The
Assassination Policy" is van dr. Saleh
Abdel Jawad.
Contact: btl@palnet.com
World should intervene to end the Israeli Apartheid
(Address by Hanan Ashrawi in Durban, South Africa,
on August 28, 2001)
by Hanan Ashrawi
Sisters and Brothers,
From Jerusalem, from the heart of Palestine, a land besieged, and
violated by a most brutal Israeli military occupation, I have come to
you today. From the midst of the people of Palestine, a tortured nation,
guilty only of an unwavering commitment to freedom, dignity, and
independence, I have come to join you today. From the depths of
history, I have come to join you today. I represent a narrative of
exclusion, denial, racism, and national victimization, but I also come
a message of hope, redemption, and historical vindication embodied in
spirit and the will of a people that has refused to succumb to all
forces of
oppression, violence, cruelty, and injustice.
In convening this conference, you are the authentic embodiment of
courage in
withstanding the forces of domination, subjugation, and enslavement.
We stand together today to launch a truly global mission of empowerment
solidarity, to give voice to the "silenced," to give a reality
to the
"invisible," to give recognition to the "denied,"
and to give credence to
the victimized.
In times of adversity, and during the darkest nights of the soul, we
look to
you for affirmation and action as an antidote to the failure of
power systems, including governments - a failure characterized by
self-interest, power politics, absence of will, and impotence. I take
opportunity to recognize before you those valiant men and women who had
the comfort of their homes in Europe and the US and joined us in
to provide popular protection, a "human shield" in the face of
abuses, violence, and violations against the Palestinian people.
I come to you today with a heavy heart leaving behind a nation in
held hostage to an ongoing "Nakba" [catastrophe], as the most
intricate and
pervasive expression of persistent colonialism, apartheid, racism, and
More than half a century ago [53 years], the Palestinians as a people
slated for national obliteration, cast outside the course of history,
identity denied, and their very human cultural and historical reality
suppressed. We became victims of the myth of "a land without a
people for
people without a land" whereby the West sought to assuage its guilt
over its
horrendous anti-Semitism by the total victimization of a whole nation.
Zionism sought to implement its agenda of exclusivity by usurping not
the lands and rights of the Palestinians, but also by confiscating their
utterance and distorting their historical narrative.
In 1948, we became subject to a grave historical injustice manifested in
dual victimization: on the one hand, the injustice of dispossession,
dispersion, and exile forcibly enacted on the population that has come
to be
known as the "refugee question" that currently encompasses
more than 5
million Palestinians. On the other hand, those that remained were
subject to
the systematic oppression and brutality of an inhuman occupation that
them of all their rights and liberties including their national identity
their own land.
The creation of the state of Israel was no heroic and legendary
accomplishment as depicted by the version of history propagated by the
conquerors. It is time to lift the veil, to examine the facts
and to come to grips with the horrific price paid by an innocent nation
the mere fact of its existence as well as for the greed and moral
of others. The days of denial must come to an end. The Palestinian
deserve their day in the sun as an equal among nations, and as a tribute
the human will that cannot be broken.
As a Palestinian, as a woman, and on behalf of my people, I stand before
today to lay claim to my/to our humanity. From the non-existent
("there is not such thing as Palestinians; they never existed"
(Golda Meir,
1969) we have undergone a metamorphosis willfully inflicted upon us by
Israeli-imposed diction and policies that have variously depicted us as
"two-legged vermin," "cockroaches," "beasts
walking on two legs," a people
that have to be exterminated unless they are "resigned to live as
"grasshoppers to be crushed," "crocodiles," and
"vipers." [A comprehensive
list with representative samples is available]
Such a systematic and racist dehumanization was also accompanied by
of violent expulsion. "There is no other way than to transfer the
Arabs from
here to neighboring countries, not one village, not one tribe should be
left" (Joseph Weitz, 1940).
"There is no choice: the Arabs must make room for the Jews in Eretz
If it was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible
move the Palestinian Arabs" (Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1939).
"Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out
against the
wishes of the native population.. It is important to speak Hebrew, but
it is
even more important to be able to shoot - or else I am through at
with colonizing" (Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1939).
"We must do everything to insure they never return. The old will
die and the
young will forget." However, for those that remained in spite of
all of
Israel's military coercion and attempts at forced expulsion, other (and
equally sinister) plans were in the making: "We shall reduce the
population to a community of woodcutters and waiters." (David Ben
To the rest of the world, we were reduced to the Aristotelian dualism of
pity and fear - the pitiful refugees, of the fearful
"terrorists." But never
were we perceived or addressed in the fullness of our humanity.
The Palestinians today continue to be subject to multiple forms and
expressions of racism, exclusion, oppression, colonialism, apartheid,
national denial. Our right to self-determination, hence sovereignty and
statehood, has been withheld by force and made subject to the approval
our oppressor. The refugee populations, mostly "stateless
people," are
bereft of the rudimentary civil, human, political, and national rights,
at the mercy of host countries that view them either as a demographic
threat, or as unwelcome guests. While Israel has legislated a "law
return" to bring in Jews from all over the world into
historical Palestine,
it persists in rejecting the Palestinian refugees' "Right of
Return" and in
refusing to abide by UN res. 194, a legal commitment which the
community was supposed to guarantee and implement.
The Palestinians who remained in what has become Israel are experiencing
their historical homeland the worst system of apartheid, exclusion, and
racial discrimination--their towns and cities either taken over
entirely, or
turned into ghettos and enclaves as the "non-Jewish"
population of Israel.
Many continue to be "displaced persons" in their own land,
witnesses to the
destruction of their villages. Over 500 villages were razed in the
ethnic cleansing campaign that accompanied the creation of the state of
Israel. Those of us who came under Israeli occupation in 1967 have
languished in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip under a unique
combination of military occupation, settler colonization, and systematic
Rarely has the human mind devised such varied, diverse, and
means of wholesale brutalization and persecution. Since 1967,
land has been expropriated at an increasing pace, while whole Jewish
populations have been brought in, in a calculated scheme of settler
colonization. Throughout the land, an artificial and colonial grid of
infrastructure was superimposed on our authentic reality to create a
spurious settler superstructure as a means of Israeli demographic,
geographic, and extraterritorial incursions into Palestine.
So-called "bypass roads" for the exclusive use of the illegal
Jewish settler
population, tear through the heart of Palestinian land, to bypass
Palestinian realities and create a unique form of racism. In the
settler vigilantes habitually unleash the full force of their extremism
violence, carrying out campaigns of terror against defenseless
families and villages. Israel's state terrorism is implemented by both
military and settler perpetrators with political duplicity and legal
Another unique manifestation of Israeli racism is the blatant and
policy of "demographic engineering." To maintain the
"Jewish character," or
the "purity" of the state of Israel, the Palestinians have
been depicted and
dealt with as a "demographic threat." Proposed
"remedies" included calls for
forced birth control and "population management," to
"transfer" and
expulsion of whole communities, to the racist and punitive unilateral
"separation" scheme currently being advocated.
In Jerusalem, land expropriation, ID confiscations, home demolitions,
withholding of building permits, and the importation of settler colonies
within and around the city have become constant elements of Israel's
demographic engineering through ethnic cleansing.
Jerusalem is also under siege in an attempt to isolate it from its
Palestinian context and environment, and to extricate it from the heart
Palestine, as the center of political, cultural, economic, social, and
educational activity and as the future capital of our state. Such
unilateral measures seek to consolidate Israel's illegal annexation of
occupied Jerusalem, and to impose a Jewish exclusivity on a Palestinian
that has always been pluralistic and tolerant. Onslaughts on Christian
Islamic holy sites and activities while banning Palestinian worshipers
reaching their holy places of worship betray a willful policy of
and a violation of the right and freedom to worship.
A state of siege has been imposed not only on the West Bank and Gaza,
also within these territories, to transform each village, town, and city
into an isolated prison thereby destroying every aspect of human life,
including economic, educational, health, and social cohesiveness in an
attempt to sever every fiber of the fabric of normal life. Israeli
occupation troops using tanks, helicopter gunships, F-16s, military
and checkpoints not only render a whole Palestinian population captive
in 64
isolated bantustans, they also use the full force of their military
against a vulnerable and defenseless people. Daily, they shell
homes, assassinate Palestinian activists and leaders, destroy crops and
fields, indulge in cold-blooded murder of children and other innocents
implementing a policy of deliberate humiliation and suffocation at every
The Israeli occupation has also hijacked the concept of
"security" rendering
it applicable only to Israelis while depriving the Palestinians of every
aspect of personal, political, legal, territorial, historical, cultural,
economic, and even human security. As a blanket cover for its systematic
abuses, Israel has also abused the essence of the concept, exploiting it
the sake of eradicating any mention of the occupation, and claiming the
illogical "right" to have a "secure"-or even a safe
and pleasant-military
occupation that is in itself the very antithesis of peace, security, and
human rights.
As the world watches, Israel has succeeded in evolving and imposing
grand deception in the form of an official spin that not only
and demonizes the Palestinians, but also as an attempt at "blaming
victim" and resuscitating labels that represent us as subhuman
species, and
genetically violent "terrorists," hence undeserving of any
human treatment.
At best, a false symmetry is manufactured between occupier and occupied,
oppressor and oppressed, (as in the call on both sides to "stop the
violence") serving to eradicate the full horror of the
occupation while
depriving the victims of their right to resist. Given the disequilibrium
power, the American insistence on a "bilateral solution" only
serves to give
Israel license to exploit the asymmetry of power and to pursue its
of subjugating a whole nation and imposing a unilateral and unjust
The Israeli solution is firmly imbedded in the tainted mentality of
occupation as license to dictate by force of arms illegal and punitive
realities that would further exacerbate the conflict and the suffering
the Palestinian people. Refusal to intervene by the US and the
community as a whole has given Israel a free hand to continue to act
impunity and immunity as a country above the law and beyond
while the Palestinians continue to be deprived of protection of the law
the minimal imperatives of moral and human decency. We continue to plead
a global rule of law that would check the aggression of the powerful,
eliminate the ongoing dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Such
of will and abrogation of responsibility on the part of the
community has not only perpetuated the "Nakba" and prolonged
the suffering
and victimization of the Palestinian people, but has also served to
undermine the quest and chances for peace throughout the region.
When we joined the peace process launched in Madrid in 1991, we did so
as an
act of will, as a commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict
the aim of ending the occupation of 22% of historical Palestine and the
establishment of our independent state on the territory occupied by
in 1967. As victims, we rose above the pain of the moment and reached
out to
our occupiers to wrench the course of history away from inevitable
towards reconciliation based on justice and parity. Buttressed by the
confidence of the people's will to endure and resist oppression, as
manifested in the intifada of 1987, we offered Israel and the world a
opportunity to legitimize a daring pursuit of peace, and to gain a
constituency for an equitable resolution.
Unfortunately, the peace process became a punitive process manipulated
Israel to pursue its policies of expansion, ethnic cleansing,
and subjugation of the weaker side by force. It further served as a
guise to
rationalize the separation of the people from the land and to fragment
the people and the land, transforming the occupied Palestinian
into a series of isolated reservations or Bantustans while maintaining
Israeli hegemony and direct control. While seeking to bestow retroactive
legitimacy on illegal Israeli settlements, and on Israel's annexation of
Jerusalem by force, it also sought to negate the Palestinian refugees'
of return thereby denying the very essence of peace and destroying its
The so-called "generous offer" of Barak has been exposed for
the sham that
it is - an occupier's version of "what's good for the
natives," based only
on "what's good for Israel," thus ensuring further conflict
and instability
rather than cementing a fair and durable solution. Having been
the victims of war and conflict, we found ourselves the victims of a
and unjust peace process.
Sharon's incursion into the Haram Al-Sharif on September 28, 2000, was
the calculated spark that ignited a powder keg already in place as a
of the inequities of the process itself. The use of live ammunition and
"lethal force" against the unarmed Palestinian protestors
unleashed horrific
forces of hostility, racism, and orchestrated violence against the
Palestinian people. The continued intensification of these measures
sends an
ominous and stark message of brutality and is symptomatic of the
to fundamentalist Zionism witnessed in the bloodbaths of the 1940's. By
claiming that "this is the continuation of Israel's War of
Sharon is sending a message to the Palestinian people and to the whole
that the national eradication and the ethnic cleansing of the 1948
are still in process.
The current Israeli government represents the most lethal combination of
extremist right-wing political ideology, religious fundamentalism and
zealotry, and unbridled forces of militarism with a deceptive veneer of
civilized face" of the Labor party. Sharon is the same army general
who had
committed crimes against humanity in such atrocities as the Qibya
of 1953, the "cleansing of Gaza" in 1973, the invasion of
Lebanon and the
massacres of Sabra and Shatilla of 1982. Intent on pursuing this bloody
and on repeating the mistakes of history, Sharon has not learned that no
amount of brutality, cruelty, or violence can break the will of a people
determined to gain its freedom, dignity, and independence. He shows no
of drawing the right historical conclusions that colonialism is by
nature a
temporary form of enslavement, and that a people colonized cannot be
to their knees by the colonizer's stifling measures of subjugation and
Sisters and brothers, I appeal to you today, to restore the absent
Palestinians to the agenda of humanity, to validate our reality and
to recognize and alleviate the pain and suffering of this tortured
and to give recognition to the Palestinian narrative long denied. You
the only source of empowerment for a people who feel abandoned and
disempowered, but who have never lost faith in human solidarity and a
vision of emancipation.
I appeal to you, as I have often done to governments and global fora,
not to
adopt the stance of "cowardly neutrality," for in the struggle
oppression, injustice, racism, intolerance, colonialism, and exclusion,
there can be NO neutrality. We are all called upon to take sides on
of the victim, the disenfranchised, and the oppressed, and to stem the
of evil and prevent the forces of darkness from prevailing. Here, there
no US veto to deprive us of protection and our rights, nor is there
censorship or blackmail to intimidate governments ruled by self-
Let this meeting radiate the pure light of the human spirit that can
be dimmed or contained. Our path to the future must be based on the
redemption of history and the past, free of the shackles of inherited
inequities. Our legacy to the future must be based on the rectification
the painful legacies of the past.
Sisters and brothers, Never before has an occupation army imposed such a
total and suffocating siege on a captive civilian population, then
to shell their homes, bomb their infrastructure, assassinate their
and leaders, destroy their crops and trees, murder their civilians at
steal their lands, and then demand that they acquiesce like lambs to the
slaughter. Never before have the victims been denied the right to
articulate, and gain recognition for, the horrendous atrocities being
committed against them as a matter of policy, but were rather blamed and
punished for the fact of their victimization.
The oft-repeated dictum that "Israel will not negotiate under
fire" applies
only to Palestinian "fire" or attempts at self-defense. While
Israel must be
left unhampered in its fire-shell-assassinate at will policy, the
Palestinians must maintain "zero violence" leading to a
"cooling off period"
that would prepare the way for "confidence-building measures"
and ultimately
award the Palestinians the coveted "prize" of resuming
negotiations with
their occupiers.
On behalf of the Palestinian people I appeal to you to have the courage
intervene, to ensure that the oppressor is held accountable and the
is protected, to enact those principles and values that not only protect
lives but that also imbue life with the human qualities that make it
living. Despite our overwhelming pain, we have not surrendered to the
of occupation, colonization, racism, and dehumanization-nor have we
their moral distortions. I ask you also not to succumb, but to maintain
enhance the struggle for dignity, equality, freedom, and justice as an
of collective affirmation on behalf of humanity as a whole.
by courtesy & © 200-2001 MIFTAH
The following editorial was printed in "ANC Today: The online voice
of the African National Congress", Volume 1, No. 31, 24-30 August
2001, found at: http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/anctoday/2001/at31.htm
It gets to the heart of the rather odd "Does Zionism equal
debate by stating the issues from a Black South African perspective.
Whatever you want to call the philosophy of Zionism itself, the fact
is that the systems of repression that have been implemented to
protect and extend it look mighty familiar to our friends in South
Nigel Parry
for The Electronic Intifada
No international conference against racism can avoid discussing the
racist practises of the Israeli state against the Palestinian people.
As the two previous world conferences mobilised global condemnation
of apartheid, delegates to the UN World Conference against Racism -
which starts in Durban next week - should condemn the ongoing
oppression of the Palestinians.
The struggle of the Palestinian people, led by the Palestinian
Liberation Organisation (PLO), for national emancipation is a
struggle against racial oppression. It is a struggle for the
realisation of their inalienable rights, including the establishment
of an independent state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.
The ANC recommits itself to ongoing solidarity with the Palestinian
people and calls on the Israeli government to immediately and
unconditionally end:
* its campaign of murder and terror against Palestinian activists and
* the use of live ammunition against civilians, and the deployment of
military tactics and weapons of war against civilian communities;
* detention without trial;
* its ongoing gross violations of human rights, and the various forms
of collective punishment it imposes on the Palestinian people;
* its illegal and provocative programme of settlement activities.
Until its defeat, South Africa's apartheid regime found much in
common with their Israeli counterparts. Both Afrikaner nationalism,
as manifest in the apartheid state, and Zionism, as manifest in the
Israeli state, propagated the ideology of an exclusive 'chosen
people'. In Israel today, the government classifies its citizens as
either Jew or non-Jew. These classifications are stamped into
official identity documents. Political, social and economic rights
and goods are allocated on the basis of this classification. Such an
approach is familiar to black South Africans. It is racist.
The 1948 and 1967 wars led to the displacement of thousands of
Palestinians to neighbouring countries and the creation of a
Palestinian diaspora. The Palestinians insist the right of
Palestinian refugees to return to their homes should be recognised in
principle. Israel adamantly refuses to recognise this principle on
the basis that it would dilute that Jewish character of the Israeli
state. During the past few years more than one million Jewish
settlers, from mainly east European countries, have been encouraged
to settle in Israel. Any Jew, anywhere in the world, has an automatic
right to Israeli citizenship, whereas Palestinians who were born
within Israel's borders are treated like foreigners and criminals.
These policies are racist.
The Durban conference cannot avoid discussion of these issues,
particularly when there is an intensification of the brutality
against the Palestinians by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
regime in its efforts to quell an 11 month-old uprising.
With increasingly violent images being beamed into television screens
world-wide, it would be difficult to pardon the international
community from its responsibility to act swiftly and effectively to
help bring about peace to the region. The international movement
needs, and has a responsibility, to help re-open the door to a just
and lasting settlement, beyond racism. Significant international
positions include the resolution of the recent meeting convened in
South Africa of the Non-aligned Movement's Committee on Palestine and
the the G-8 foreign ministers declaration calling on Israel and
Palestine to accept international observers.
The draft declaration of the World Conference against Racism NGO
Forum in Durban says: "We call for the employment of all effective
measures available to participants, relevant United Nations organs
and member States to ensure that Israel complies with its obligations
under human rights, humanitarian law and United Nations resolutions
with the view to end its colonial policies and apartheid system."
The struggle against apartheid was part of the international struggle
against the ideas that found their most direct expression in the
advent of Nazism and the holocaust. South Africans, having defeated
apartheid, have a direct stake in the eradication of apartheid
practices on a global scale, and in the plight of the Palestinian
people in particular. Our task is to labour and struggle humanely to
confront military occupation, discriminatory actions and gross
violations of human rights. The world must work together to find the
keys for a just and democratic settlement between Palestinians and
* NAM Position on Palestine, 1 May 2001
* Statement on Middle East, G8 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, 18-19 July
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