NPK-info 6-11-2001 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl

Ter attentie
Israel's onderminister van Defensie, mevr. Daliah Rabin, komt donderdag 8
november als vredesduif naar Den Haag op uitnodiging van het CIDI.
Om half vijf en vooral vanaf half acht zal protest worden zichtbaar gemaakt
over de voortgaande dood en verderf zaaiende bezettings-politiek van Israel;
geëist zal worden een volledig vertrek van Israel nu uit alle in 1967
bezette gebieden alsmede terugkeer van de Palestijnse vluchtelingen.
Locatie-details hieronder in het CIDI-bericht.
"Zonder gerechtigheid geen vrede", zo zei Van Aartsen laatst terecht.

Onderstaande berichten kunnen opmerkingen opleveren richting de bezoekende
* van Dr. Majed Nassar, Health Work Committees/Beit Sahour Medical Center
* Peaceful march towards closed Birzeit University, 3-11
* van Dheisheh refugee Camp, West bank, Bethlehem
* Israel Escalates Assassination Policy

Over oorlog in Bethlehem, de zusterstad van Den Haag
* zie
  Inez Polak: "Nooit eerder was Bethlehem oorlogsgebied,...
* zie http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/buitenland/1003990392468.html
  "Israëliërs laten ravage na in Bethlehem"
Het gemeentebestuur van Den Haag zwijgt overigens.

* Facts http://www.mideastfacts.com/index.html
* http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2001/557/op5.htm
  Mythical transformations, Azmi Bishara
* http://www.ahram.org.eg/weekly/2001/557/op2.htm
  A vision to lift the spirit, Edward Said
* LAW http://www.lawsociety.org
* MIFTAH www.miftah.org
  Memoreert dat op 2 november de Balfour Declaration 84 jaar oud was.

NPK/WL, 6-11-2001

Uit www.cidi.nl
CIDI Israel Nieuwsbrief
Artikel - 25 oktober 2001
Rabin-herdenking in Raad van State op 8 november

Onderminister Daliah Rabin opent vernieuwd CIDI-studiecentrum
Op 8 november vindt in het recent ingrijpend verbouwde Haagse kantoor van
CIDI aan de Jagerstraat de opening plaats van het 'Rabin Centrum voor
Cultuur en Educatie', waar cursussen en lezingen zullen worden gegeven over
Israel en de culturele en maatschappelijke achtergronden van de Joodse
gemeenschap. Het Rabin Centrum zal officieel in gebruik worden genomen door
Daliah Rabin-Pelossof, de dochter van de Israelische premier die vanwege
zijn vredespolitiek met de Palestijnen de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede ontving
en die op 5 november 1995 bij een aanslag de dood vond. Daliah Rabin volgde
min of meer in de voetsporen van haar illustere vader. Zij is Knessetlid
voor de Arbeidspartij en onderminister van Defensie en draagt de erfenis van
haar vader in woord en daad uit.

Na de opening van het studiecentrum, die wegens plaatsgebrek door een
beperkt aantal personen zal kunnen worden bijgewoond, vindt in de Gotische
Zaal van de Raad van State aan de nabij het CIDI gelegen Kneuterdijk 20 een
herdenkingsbijeenkomst voor de vermoorde premier plaats. Naast Daliah Rabin
zal daar onder andere het woord worden gevoerd door Ad Melkert, voorzitter
van de Tweede Kamerfractie van de PvdA, de zusterpartij van de Arbeid. De
muzikale omlijsting wordt verzorgd door het Aquarius Ensemble, dat stukken
van Mozart en Beethoven zal spelen.

De Vrienden van CIDI zijn uitgenodigd om bij deze bijzondere
herdenkingsbijeenkomst aanwezig te zijn. Aanmeldingen (voor maximaal twee
kaarten per Vriend) kunnen worden doorgegeven op telefoonnummer 070-3646862
of per e-mail via cidi@cidi.nl. De toegang is gratis, maar in verband met
het beperkte aantal plaatsen geldt het principe "wie het eerst komt, die het
eerst maalt".

De Gotische Zaal is op 8 november open vanaf 19.45 uur en de bij de gedrukte
Israel Nieuwsbrief gevoegde uitnodigingskaart moet bij de ingang worden

5 November 2001
Dear Friends,

A couple of days ago an Israeli friend of ours sent us the following poem
that was written by an Israeli poet, Mr. Aharon Shabbetai.  It was published
in the Hebrew edition of Ha'aretz Newspaper on 2 November 2001.  We had it
translated into English (I hope that Mr. Shabbetai approves), in order to
share it with you:

To Dr. Majed Nassar
By Aharon Shabbetai
Ha-aretz, Friday, 2 November 2001

The electronic mail was not silent for even a moment
For the past three days, a pogrom has washed over six cities like a muddy
A doctor from Beit Sahour collected portions of blood for the wounded of

But it is not possible to send them
The tanks are besieging the hospital
Therefore a youth dead from sniper fire was brought to him from Manger
Dear Dr. Nassar, can words

Cause the finger of the sniper to tremble?
Will tears buy bandages?
You stopped counting your wounded (you write today)

Some of them are lying outside.
Will you be comforted by the fact that these tanks
that kill In my name
are digging the deepest grave possible for my compatriots?

The Israeli tanks left Bethlehem last week, leaving in their wake a trail of
destruction.  At the same time, another process of destruction was begun in
numerous other places including Jabalia Refugee Camp, Beit Lahia, Tulkarem,
and Nablus.  The destruction continues, but unfortunately for the people
living there, these places are not as famous as Bethlehem.  The Bethlehem
Municipality has estimated the damages caused by one week of Israeli
brutality to be over US$ 15 million, not to mention the relatively high
number of people killed and injured.

Since the beginning of the Intifada just over a year ago, 791 Palestinians
have been killed (as well as 190 Israelis).*   Among the dead are 200
children, 4 physicians, 6 paramedics, 3 journalists, and 32 women.
Twenty-five persons were killed by Israeli settlers.  Ninety-three people
were assassinated.  Of the 31,139 persons injured, 7,500 are children and
1,400 are women.  Ninety-eight ambulances have come under fire and were
damaged or destroyed.  One Palestinian ambulance was taken over by the
Israeli army which used it in its invasion of Azzoun and Salfit where
numerous villagers were arrested.  In the month of October 2001 alone, 87
Palestinians were killed.

Since January 2001, the Israeli government has begun 25 new Israeli
settlements. More land was confiscated around Jerusalem and the Jerusalem
Municipality approved the building of 270 new housing units.  Eighteen
hectares of land from Sheikh Jarrah and 12 hectares from Esawiyyeh in
Jerusalem were confiscated in addition to 30 hectares near Ramallah and 14
hectares near Sammou/Hebron.  One hundred new military posts were erected.
Thousands of trees were uprooted (over 8,100 in October 2001).  Settlers
have poisoned and destroyed agricultural land in the area of Toubas.  Water
reservoirs and pipe systems were destroyed by bulldozers.  In October 2001,
a total of 467 houses were destroyed either partially or completely.  In
Hebron, seven homes were completely destroyed, and the Israeli army occupied
20 other houses and evacuated their inhabitants.  In October, 328
Palestinians were detained and 342 cars were destroyed.  Also due to the
siege, ninety-two schools were completely closed.  Several schools were shot
at or raided.

The economy continues to deteriorate.  The unemployment rate is between
fifty and seventy percent.  Every day there is an increasing number of
patients coming to HWC centers who cannot afford to pay even the minimal
fees we charge for examination or medication.  As many of the specialized
doctors are unable to reach their working places, the number of patients
receiving specialized services at our centers has dropped considerably.  At
the same time, we receive daily many applications for work, any work.

The Health Work Committees is asking the international community for help
and support, not only for its medical centers and programs but also for the
entire Palestinian people.  In January 2001, the Health Work Committees
introduced an emergency plan outlining the necessary steps to be taken in
order to ensure the health and coherence of Palestinian society.
Unfortunately, only a few organizations have dealt with this strategy in a
serious manner, although it was adopted by all attending governmental and
non-governmental bodies.

The following are the four major points that should be addressed in the
short term:

1.      Acquisition of funding to ensure that basic operating costs of all
medical and health facilities are covered;

2.      Acquisition of funding to ensure that necessary emergency and other
medical equipment is upgraded and/or replaced according to need;

3.       Assurance that medical personnel and outreach teams have free
access to their workplaces;

4.      Acquisition of funding to ensure ongoing medical and health care
staff training, including training in basic mental health services;

What has Israel gained through its invasion of Palestinian cities?  If the
aim was destruction, then Israel has most certainly succeeded.  If the aim,
however, is to crush the Palestinian resistance movement against Israeli
military occupation, then the Israeli Government and Sharon have failed
miserably, and will continue to fail in the future.

As the poem above reminds us, it is never a comfort to see someone dying.
It is never a comfort to dig graves.  It is very sad, indeed, to see that
the Israeli government is committing and repeating the same old mistakes
that colonial powers committed ages ago.  They can never win.

It is time for Israel to let the Palestinians go.  It is time for Israel to
leave the occupied territories and not come back, except as friends with
peaceful intentions.

Dr. Majed Nassar
HWC Deputy Director
*All statistics are taken from the latest newsletter of the Palestinian
Council for Justice and Peace (November 2001).

Health Work Committees/Beit Sahour Medical Center
POB 44, Beit Sahour, Palestine
tel: 972-2-277-4444
fax: 972-2-277-5567
e-mail: bsmc@p-ol.com

[ramallah is still under occupation, for over 2 weeks now university
students and workers are not allowed to enter university...]

Finding our way together:

Time: Saturday 10 a.m., November 3, 2001.

Location: Ramallah.

Event: a peaceful march towards closed Birzeit University.

Activists: 40 of Birzeit university students and a small group of

Result: after few rounds of being attacked with tear gas and sound bombs,
the group broke its way through soldiers and tanks into Birzeit University.

Lessons to be learned:
no one was hurt yet a military order was defied.

International participation made a huge difference.

Demonstrator's braveness and persistence overcame the brutality of the

What if thousands are doing it on daily basis? Can the army sustain the

Except of tear gas and sound bombs, the army could not use its military
arsenal against the peaceful demonstrators.

It was a moral challenge between freedom and occupation; no one could
disguise it or give it any other name.

Palestinian young students took the lead and were extremely good in leading
the peaceful event.

As you can all see, all elements of success in mobilizing the peaceful power
of the masses are symbolized in this small but courageous event.

Can we dream of more events, more masses, and more places? If so no one can
stop our resistance until the last Israeli solider steps out of our land.

This is a call for both internationals and Palestinians to get engaged.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: ibdaa dheisheh <mailto:ibdaa@hotmail.com>
>Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 1:53 AM
> >From the refugee children of Dheisheh, Al-azza And Aida Refugee Camps
> >From the children in the birthplace of Jesus
> >From Bethlehem
> >From the sons of the Martyrs
>To all the humans in the
>D e a r    h u m a n,
>We only wish to ask you and the rest of the world why you have turned a
>blind eye to the recent events occurring on Palestinian streets? Why have
>you ignored the ferocious Israeli attacks perpetrated against civilian
>people, people who are only asking for their freedom? Freedom, the simple
>right of all human beings.
>The young kids demonstrating for this right, rebelling against an
>occupying force with only stones and courage as their weapons, are being
>massacred daily by brute force, by machine guns, tanks, helicopters and
>Do not be mistaken. The 677 Palestinians killed between 28/9/2001 and
>28/9/2001 and more than 20,529 injured thus far over the course of this
>Intifada have been gunned down during stone-throwing demonstrations
>throughout the occupied lands of Palestine, throughout UN-recognized
>The Israeli soldiers respond to these freedom-seeking people, people using
>stones as their only means of fighting, with live ammunition. When was the
>last time any western government attacked stone-throwing civilians, young
>children, with live ammunition designed to kill?
>Imagine the scene in the streets of New York, London, or Paris: explosions
>and gunfire rings through the streets as the government bears its firepower
>down upon the populace. We try, but we can't fathom that picture. And yet,
>this is the daily reality here in Palestine. This past week, after Israeli
>forces attacked Bethlehem and reoccupied it, they killed 25 people and
>injured more than 222 in less than eight days.
>Last week one of the most saddening events of this Intifada occurred in the
>West Bank city of Nablus. Sarah, a two-year-old child, was killed in her
>mother's arms by shrapnel as an Israeli helicopter strafed and bombed a
>civilian area. Children, it seems, are not considered innocent here.
>Of the 677 killed so far, more than 70 were those injured that were later
>declared clinically dead after sustaining massive head trauma. Upwards of
>3500 others have been wounded in various forms. The statistics paint yet
>another horrifying picture. Of those killed, 67% have been under 15 years
>old, and of those injured (41% of whom have been maimed for life) 65% have
>been under 15. When the media portrays the events here as Palestinians and
>Israeli soldiers fighting each other, it is wrong! A fight can only occur
>when both sides have equal forms of weapons. What we are witnessing is a
>massacre, genocide!
>All we ask of you, fellow human, is that you open your eyes to the
>occurring here in Palestine. We ask that scream with the Palestinians
>against the oppression and violent force that has been mustered against us.
>We ask that you try to understand that 53 years of ill treatment and
>marginalization by the Israelis and the rest of the international community
>have fueled our anger and emotions. Daily humiliations and denial of our
>fundamental rights, the fundamental rights that all humans should enjoy,
>have been our plight and our lives since our occupation. We ask you, are
>lives worth less than yours? We implore you to cry out with us and advocate
>for us, so that we too can enjoy a life free of persecution and anguish.
>Remember that by your silence your hands are soiled with this innocent
>Remember that one day YOU may be in this situation.... We need every
>possible help....
>We won't ask you to hold a gun and fight.. But:
>At least we want you to know why we had to fight...
>And, as you know, no one, no tanks, no helicopter gun ships can stop a
>people on their march to freedom.
>At least to forward this to every one you know...
>W R I T T E N   B Y
>Jihad Ahmad Abbas &#8211;       jeaev_10@hotmail.com
>Ibdaa Culture Center
>Dheisheh refugee Camp
>West bank, Bethlehem,
>P A L E S T I N E
>Jehad Ahmad Abbass
>Ibdaa Cultural Center
>P.O.Box 793,Bethlehem
>West Bank, Palestine
>Tel/Fax +972-2-277-6444
>Mobile +972-50-499-373

The Palestine Monitor, A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
1 November 2001

Israel Escalates Assassination Policy

The Israeli government this morning assassinated two Palestinians traveling
between Tulkarem and Anabta, firing a missile from an Israeli apache
helicopter on their car. Sources at Tulkarem hospital have just identified
the victims as Yasser Assida and Fahime Abu Aysha, from Tel and Beit Wazan
villages near Nablus. Israeli forces have taken away a third Palestinian who
was seriously wounded.

The Israeli government has now assassinated five Palestinians in the last 24
hours. Yesterday, Jamil Jadallah Al Qawasami from Hebron, and Abdullah
Jarushi from Tulkarem were assassinated. Later Israeli soldiers in the
Nablus area deliberately ambushed Mohammad Ghanam's car, opening fire and
killing both 30 year old Mohammad and his 25 year old brother Rabia.  The
brothers, from Jaba'a village near Jenin, were members of Palestinian
security forces.

In addition to these assassinations, Israeli special forces yesterday also
entered a Palestinian controlled area of Qalqilya, and killed two
Palestinian police force members. 40 year old Mohammad Rahman and 25 year
old Raid Al Akhras were manning a Palestinian checkpoint last night when the
Israeli forces entered. A third Palestinian was wounded and is in critical

The Israeli government has now killed, (since 28 September 2000) a total of
70 Palestinians through its illegal policy of assassination, 22 of whom were
bystanders. It seems that Sharon is welcoming British Prime Minister Tony
Blair by escalating the Israeli policy of assassination, which has become
increasingly extreme in the last 24 hours. Assassination is not only illegal
and immoral, but is also highly provocative.  These attacks are yet more
proof the Ariel Sharon has no genuine interest in seeking peace with the

Total number of Palestinians dead since 28 September 2000: 814

For more information contact Mustafa Barghouthi, 050 254 218
and see www.palestinemonitor.org





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