NPK-info 16-04-2001 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.xs4all.nl/~npk

Minister Van Aartsen [zie bij http://www.bbo.org/recente_documenten.htm]
sprak op 5 april de "UN Commission on Human Rights" toe in Geneve. Jammer
dat hij daar zijn uitspraak [2 april, Radio 1] "Geen vrede zonder
gerechtigheid" niet herhaalde en het ook niet had over VN-resoluties en de
4e Geneefse Conventie.
Komende woensdag 18 april is er een stemming m.b.t. Palestina in diezelfde
VN-commissie, Nederland wordt opgeroepen [zie
http://www.badil.org/Press/2001/press174-01.htm] een aantal aanbevelingen te
"... EU states abstained from voting on a resolution by the UN Commission on
Human Rights in its special session on the Palestinian issue last October.
EU states also abstained from voting on a draft resolution that was being
discussed by the UN Security Council two weeks ago on providing
international protection to the Palestinian people."

Nur Masalha sprak op 7 april te Den Haag in het kader van de internationale
dag van solidariteit met de Palestijnse vluchtelingen plm. 70 aanwezigen
toe. In de bijeenkomst werd gesproken over de planmatige verdrijving
[oorlogvoering op diverse wijzen] van Palestijnen door Israel, doorgaand tot
op de huidige dag. Aangegeven werd nog, dat het recht op terugkeer een
individueel recht is. Een kort verslag van de bijeenkomst komt op de
Na de bijeenkomst hebben het NPK en de Palestijnse Vereniging een gesprek
aangevraagd met de
Vaste Kamercommissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken.
Uitspraken zoals Sharon volgens Haaretz van 13 april doet [Israel behoudt 58
procent van de bezette gebieden, de kolonisatie van bezet gebied gaat
door,...] komen dan zeker ook ter sprake,

Twee acties
* Onderteken onderstaande petitie aan het Europees Parlement.
* Doe mee met de dringend noodzakelijke actie tegen huisverwoestingen.

NPK/WL, 16-4-2001

Sharon voert de oorlogvoering in de bezette gebieden op.
Onderteken een petitie "Stop the occupation and colonization of Palestine"
aan het Europese parlement, een Belgische aktie.
Adres: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/intifada/petition.html
Nadere informatie bij Myriam Vandecan via Codip@skynet.be


ACTIE / Home Demolition Action Alert!
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 16:55:21 -0500
From: "Nigel Parry" <nigel@nigelparry.com>
[zie ook www.lawsociety.org voor meer recente huisverwoestingen]

Uit de mail van Parry:
In the course of the past 2 weeks alone at least 57 Palestinian
homes were demolished by the Israeli Occupation Forces. Between
last night and this morning, 31 Palestinian homes were destroyed in
Gaza, rendering over 500 men, women and children homeless. We
don't always know when the bulldozers are going to strike but in the
instances that we do, we must act. As long as the Sharon-Peres
government does not feel the pressure of international public
opinion, they will keep and step up their repression of and methods
of demoralization of the Palestinian community. The Israeli
Committee Against Home Demolition (ICAHD) reports that the Jerusalem
Municipality is planning some 19 demolitions next week, immediately
after the Passover/Easter holiday. We have specific information on
one, the home of the Aqel family, located in the Mount Scopus/French
Hill area of Jerusalem, right across the street from the Hyatt
Regency Hotel. Background and current information is included in
the action alert put out by the Electronic Intifada below.

I was just at the home where family, friends and students
are sitting around a campfire keeping watch. People are invited to
come join. The family just received notice today that the time
frame for the demolition is anywhere from 2 April - 2 May, 2001.
The bulldozer can come anytime within this period, day or night.
The Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions and the Arab Student
Group at Hebrew University will be planning various actions and camp
outs at the home until the demolition order is postponed or revoked.

To stay updated you can contact:
Jeff Halper (ICAHD): 050-651425
Rabbi Arik Ascherman: 050-607-034
Baseem (Arab Student Association, Hebrew U.): 051-309-975

If you can get to the home, please show your solidarity with the
family by spending some time keeping watch at the home. If you are
willing to be contacted last minute should the bulldozer show up,
please call Jeff Halper at the number above as the ICAHD is
compiling an emergency contact list.
If you are not in the area, please do your part -- make your
opposition to home demolitions heard by sending letters to:
Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres: sar@mofa.gov.il
Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer : sar@mod.gov.il or fax:
Deputy Defense Minister Dalia Rabin Pilosof : sgansar@mod.gov.il
Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai : sar@moin.gov.il
Mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert :
eolmert@jerusalem.muni.il or jermstr@jerusalem.muni.il
or fax 972-2-629-6910

Also, since it's the Bush Administration's silence that has given
the Sharon-Peres government the green light to unleash their reign
of terror on the Palestinian people, everyone, especially US
citizens are encouraged to contact the following U.S.
Administration/Government officials:

US President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.gov
US Secretary of State Colin Powell: secretary@state.gov

>This item relates to a pending home demolition in Jerusalem,
>scheduled for somewhere in the region of 13-16 April 2001.
>Friends of The Electronic Intifada (www.electronicintifada.org) may
>remember the case of the
>Aqil family, whose home near the Hebrew University in the French
>Hill area of Jerusalem has been under threat since 11 May 2000,
>when the family was first served a demolition order by the mayor
>of Jerusalem, Ehud Olmert, under the usual pretext of unlicensed
>The family was told by municipality and security officials that
>their residence of Nasser Aqil located in the French Hill
>neighborhood of the city would be demolished within the next 72
>Mr. Aqil, his wife and their (then) six children were instructed
>to seek alternative housing.
>The US-based Arab American organisation, the ADC, released an
>alert about this demolition on 12 May 2000, found at
>Although the demolition was halted at the time, Abeer Abu
>Shalbak (Nasser Aqil's niece, more info below) has reported that
>another demolition order was issued on **1 February 2001**.
>The demolition order has left the Aqil family with 45 days to
>challenge it. This puts the likely date for demolition somewhere
>in the region of 13-16 April 2001.
>Below you will find background information on the case, a
>history of the family's struggle for their home, information
>about the current threat to the home, and protest addresses for
>the Hebrew University (who wants the land), and Jerusalem mayor
>Ehud Olmert (who signed the demolition order).
>Originating from the village of Lifta near Jerusalem -- on which
>the settlements of Mey Niftoach, Giv'at Sha'ul, and Giv'at
>Sha'ul Bet now stand -- Abeer's family were forced to flee as a
>result of the Israeli depopulation of the village in 1948, and
>became "internal refugees". They moved to Jerusalem.
>The fighting in Lifta, as well as the adjacent Jerusalem
>districts of Rumayma and Shaykh Badr, was initiated by the
>Haganah in the earliest days of the war. According to Israeli
>historian Benny Morris, the Haganah fired the first shots in
>December 1947, killing one Lifta resident who was suspected of
>informing Arab forces about the departure of Jewish convoys to
>Tel Aviv. The next day, a grenade was thrown at a Jewish bus.
>Palestinian historian 'Arif al-'Arif adds that a coffeehouse in
>Lifta was attacked on 28 December by members of the Stern Gang
>armed with automatic weapons and grenades, killing six and
>wounding seven.
>Al-'Arif writes that most of the residents of Lifta left after
>the attack on the coffeehouse. The remaining civilians evacuated
>after subsequent attacks by the Haganah, Stern Gang and Irgun
>Zvai Leumi (IZL).
>In neighboring Shaykh Badr, the Haganah blew up the house of the
>village leader on 11 January, and two days later launched a
>second raid in which twenty houses were damaged. Most houses on
>the eastern periphery of Lifta were also demolished.
>Morris adds that the purpose of these demolitions was to turn
>the Palestinian residents out of their homes and that this goal
>was achieved.
>By 7 February 1948, Jewish Agency chairman (and future Israeli
>Prime Minister) David Ben-Gurion expressed his satisfaction with
>the results of the attacks at a meeting of Mapai party leaders:
>"From your entry into Jerusalem through Lifta-Romema, through
>Mahane Yehuda, King George Street and Mea Shearim-there are no
>strangers [i.e. Arabs]. One hundred percent Jews."
>Following Israel's 1967 military occupation East Jerusalem, it
>confiscated 3,245 dunams (1 dunam=1/4 of an acre) of
>Palestinian-owned land, including the land owned by the Aqil
>In January 1968, the Israeli government notified the family that
>the 7 dunams they had been living on for 20 years was to be
>expropriated for 'public use.' The family fought the
>expropriation order but, from 1968 to 1972, endured a concerted
>verbal and legal campaign of harassment aimed at driving them
>away, conducted by the nearby Hebrew University that sought the
>In 1973, the Israeli government formally allocated the
>expropriated Aqil land to the Hebrew University and the family
>was notified by the Israel Lands Authority that it had to vacate
>the area within 15 days. Fortunately, student and legal support
>for the family at the time led to a court decision that allowed
>them to remain on their land.
>In 1986, the family received permission from the Jerusalem
>Municipality to renovate their home. Due to financial
>constraints, the family was forced to wait until April 2000 to
>begin renovations to improve their living conditions. The house
>as it was lacked proper ventilation and the winter snows had
>severely damaged the foundation and walls of the home.
>In 1998, the Hebrew University again began pressuring the
>municipality of Jerusalem to evict the Aqil family. Various
>reports suggest that the university wishes to use the land as a
>parking lot or for student dormitories.
>On the morning of 8 April 2000, the family received their
>renewed permission from the municipality to start the delayed
>renovations. That afternoon, university officials came to the
>family's home to 'order' them to stop their work. The Hebrew
>University's pressure on the municipality of Jerusalem
>ultimately resulted a demolition order issued on 11 May 2000.
>Ehud Olmert, the mayor of Jerusalem who issued the order, is a
>graduate of the Hebrew University.
>At this point, the campaign of verbal and legal harassment
>conducted by the Hebrew University had been ongoing for over 25
>years. Fortunately, public and legal pressure led to the
>postponement of the demolition until the court reopened the case
>on 30 September 2000.
>On 1 February 2001, another demolition order was issued, but the
>Aqil's Israeli lawyer failed to notify the family until
>The demolition order has left the Aqil family with 45 days to
>challenge it. This puts the likely date for demolition somewhere
>in the region of 13-16 April 2001.
>Yesterday -- 9 April 2001 -- Israeli soldiers came to the house
>and made measurements of the structure, also taking the names
>and ID numbers of the family members.
>Nasser Aqil has a wife and seven children who will be rendered
>homeless if this demolition goes ahead. As Nasser's house is
>attached to Jameel Aqil's house, the pending Israeli demolition
>may additionally damage the second home.
>Information for this alert was provided by Abeer Abu Shalbak,
>the granddaughter of Jamil Aqil and the niece of Nasser Aqil.
>Abeer is a former Birzeit University scholarship student and US
>citizen who now lives in the state of Virginia, where she works
>for America Online. Abeer graduated from Birzeit University in
>1995 with a BA in Management and Business Administration. A
>Birzeit Newsletter report on Abeer can be found at
>Please forward this e-mail alert to university students and
>professors around the world. The e-mail address and phone/fax
>numbers for the President of the Hebrew University and the Mayor
>of Jerusalem are available below for your protests.
>Thank you for your support of the Aqil family.
>Professor Menachem Magidor
>President, Hebrew University
>E-mail: menachem@math.huji.ac.il
>E-mail: hupres@cc.huji.ac.il
>Tel: (02) 658-4143 (To dial from outside the country, use:
>Fax: (02) 563-0702 (To dial from outside the country, use:
>Ehud Olmert
>Mayor of Jerusalem
>Tel: (02) 629-7717 (To dial from outside the country, use:
>Fax: (02) 629-6014 (To dial from outside the country, use:
>Fax: (02) 629-6910 (To dial from outside the country, use:



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