Palestina 1923 - 2003
Palestinian and Jewish Land Holding (map from passia)
UN - Partition Plan 1947 (map from passia)
Palestine 1947 - 1949 (map from passia)
The West Bank and Gaza 1949 - 1967 (map from passia)
West Bank Hilltop Settlements and Land Confiscations - June 1999
Projection of further redeployment according to the Sharm-el-Sheikh Memorandum 1999 (map from passia)
Anticipated Palestinian Autonomous Areas Year 2000 (map from passia)
The Gaza Strip -Year 2000 (map from passia)
The Palestinian Metropolis within the limits of Greater Jerusalem (map from passia)
The Old City of Jerusalem (map from passia)
Projection of the Final Status Map Presented by Israel - December 2000
Projection of the Clinton Proposal - December 2000
The West Bank after Oslo: Control and Separation - juni 2002
Bouw van de muur op de Westelijke Jordaanoever