NPK-info - Nederlands
Palestina Komitee abonnement op NPK-info
met details hieronder -
9-6 Brief aan de NOS door Trees Kosterman -
15-6 Benefiet-toneel Al-Mutashael voor de vervolgde Mohammed Bakri -
16-6 UCP-discussiebijeenkomst met Diana Buttu en Joseph Alpher [*] - alle dagen: mail een Kamerlid naar keuze dat 36 jaar bezetting zsm moet stoppen, volledig en onvoorwaardelijk, te beginnen met afbraak van de apartheidsmuur en dat waarnemers niet geweerd of vermoord mogen worden en dat het doden en verwonden van Palestijnen moet stoppen en dat .....; adressen staan op Salah
Mohammed Salah is voorzitter van het vluchtelingencomité van de PNC, de
Palestijnse Nationale Raad. Op een
interview met hem. Quote:
"Ze vergissen zich als ze denken dat de Irakezen en de Palestijnen de
huidige herkolonisatie zullen aanvaarden." -
Israel Must Commit To Ending The Occupation, June 09, 2003, MIFTAH -
Empty words, bloodstained hands; Sharon and the myth of the peacemakers,
June 06, 2003, Ramzy Baroud -
PLO-analysis mei 2003 -
The map must show a way home, The Middle East plan will fail unless it allows
the right of return, Ghada Karmi, Friday June 6, 2003,10551,971707,00.html
Quote: "There is only one logical, moral course: that is for
both peoples to share
the territory that is now Greater Israel and that was the original
Palestine." -
BADIL press releases NPK/WL,
[*] Achtergrondinformatie
over Alpher´s plan. -
with two separate roadmaps, Yossi Alpher, 29-5- 2003 -
What can we learn from this decision? Zie
hierna ook BADIL´s reactie op een ander plan, dat van Nusseibeh/Ayalon
[deze week gepromoot in VN]. Onaanvaardbaar
is dat in beide plannen geen sprake is van een onvoorwaardelijk en
volledig Israelisch vertrek uit alle in 1967 bezette gebieden en van
realisatie van het recht op terugkeer "at the end of the
Road". P.S. Voor Palestina-artikelen en een zomerkamp: _______________________________________________________________________ -----
Original Message ----- From:
"trees kosterman" <> To:
<> Sent:
Monday, June 09, 2003 11:37 AM Subject:
[solpalvol] reactie op het nos journaal van 8 juni Geachte
redactie, Ik
zal me eerst introduceren. Mijn naam is Trees Kosterman, en ik ben
woonachtig in Israel, in een Palestijns Arabische dorp in Galilea. Sinds een
paar maanden kan ik hier via allerlei dure aanpassingen, alle nederlandse
zenders ontvangen, dus ik kijk geregeld naar het NOs Journaal. Na vele
ergernissen heb ik besloten om toch maar eens iets te schrijven. Ik erger me
meer en meer aan jullie verslaggeving over het Israeli/Palestijnse conflict,
en over de "zgnd" roadmap. Het zogenaamde vredesproces, wat nu
bezig zou zijn. Jullie zijn erg goed in het vertellen over de gesprekken die
Abu mazen en Sharon samen hebben. Ondertussen gebeurt er op de Westbank en
in Gaza van alles, incursies, er worden huizen vernietigd, checkpoint
blijven en er komen alleen maar checkpoints bij, het vrijlaten van
gevangenen (wat gebracht wordt als een act of goodwill van Israel) is
minimaal en dan zijn het ook nog gevangenen die vastzaten in 'administrative
detention", van wie hun periode in de gevangenis toch al bijna over
was. Ik ben vorige week in bethlehem geweest, en daar gaat het schieten en
de aanwezigheid van tanks en leger gewoon door. Maar dat zie je niet terug
bij jullie verslaggeving. Maar jullie zij er als de kippen bij, als de
Palestijnen weer iets uithalen zoals gisteren die aanval op Israelische
soldaten,waarbij er 5 soldaten omkwamen (wat op zich ernstig genoeg is, maar
zij zijn de bezetters en het zijn geen burgers) dan komt er gelijk het
volgende commentaar "Het vredesproces is in gevaar omdat de Palestijnen
een aanslag hebben gepleegd". Ik ga daar van over mijn nek. Als jullie
echt op de hoogte zouden zijn, dan weet je dat er geen sprake is van een
vredesproces, alleen oeverloos geklets, en de wereld voor de gek houden, en
dat al die tijd gedurende de zogenaamde "vredesgesprekken" er wel
iedere dag Palestijnen neergeschoten worden etc. Maar dat schijnt niet
interessant genoeg te zijn. Jullie geven een volledig verkeerd beeld van wat
er aan de hand is. Nog
even wat kritiek, vorige week in Nova, waarin Jeroen Pauw met allerlei
mensen sprak over het feit of sharon wel of niet veranderd zou zijn. waarin
hij de indruk wekte dat sharon een vredelievend man geworden zou zijn. Maar
er was geen enkele Palestijn die daar wat over mocht zeggen. En trouwens, ik
vond het een belachelijk onderwerp, daar gaat het toch niet om. Het was
eigenlijk een zeer lachwekkende uitzending, jeroen Pauw die met een serieus
gezicht vraagt aan, ik geloof Rhana Gisshin ' zeg me eens , is Sharon
veranderd? en Rana(adviseur van Sharon, ) ja , het is een man die vrede wil
hahahahhahahah, de hele uitzending was een grote grap.
heb hier ook nog een artikel van een amerikaanse journaliste die uitlegt wat
dit cease fire precies inhoudt. Ik zou graag willen dat jullie hier ook eens
verslag over doen.Want wat jullie doen is een compleet verkeerde
voorstelling geven van de feiten. Groeten
Trees Kosterman This
Is The Israeli 'Cease Fire' by Kristen Ess; June 06, 2003 _______________________________________________________________________ Uit Filmfestival Zondag
15 juni 2003 om 13.00 uur Locatie:
Wereldmuseum - Theater de Evenaar Adres
: Willemskade 25 te Rotterdam Toneel
Al-Mutashael van Emile Habibi , Mohammed Bakri, Palestina Entreebijdragen
zijn om de kosten van de rechtzaak tegen de acteur Mohammed Bakri in Israël
te helpen dekken. _______________________________________________________________________ Roadmap
or Roadblocks? Maandag
16 juni / 20.00 uur / Vakbondsmuseum Amsterdam Eindelijk
is de Routekaart aan Israël en de Palestijnen gepresenteerd en beide
partijen hebben het plan aanvaard. Het is voorlopig de enige manier om opnieuw
een onderhandelingsproces op gang te krijgen. Maar is het ook een garantie
voor een rechtvaardige oplossing? Vele
deskundigen hebben hun licht reeds laten schijnen over het plan, maar hoe
denken betrokkenen er zelf over. Op uitnodiging van United Civilians for Peace,
dat een initiatief van de vredes- en ontwikkelingsorganisaties Novib, Cordaid,
ICCO, Pax Christi ,IKV en Kerk in actie is, en het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika
tijdschrift Soera zullen drie gasten spreken over de voor- en nadelen
van het plan en met elkaar in discussie gaan. Twee gasten zijn zelf eerder
bij onderhandelingen betrokken geweest. Diana
Buttu is sinds 2000 juridisch adviseur van het Onderhandelingsdepartement
van de PLO. Mevrouw Buttu was eerder juridisch adviseur
van het ministerie van Justitie in Canada en ze is samensteller van het
Palestijnse jaarboek van internationaal recht. Joseph
Alpher werkte als inlichtingen officier voor het Israëlische leger en daarna
voor de geheime dienst Mossad. Van 1981 tot 1995 was hij verbonden aan
het Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies in Tel Aviv en hij adviseerde premier
Ehud Barak tijdens de onderhandelingen in Camp David. Tegenwoordig is
hij onafhankelijk analist binnen de niet-gouvernementele wereld. Paul
de Waart is emeritus-hoogleraar Volkenrecht aan de Vrije Universiteit in
Amsterdam en Jeruzalem-specialist. De
discussie wordt voorgezeten door Bertus Hendriks (o.v.) Midden-Oosten specialist
van de Wereldomroep. Plaats:
De Burcht van Berlage (tegenover Artis)
Henri Polaklaan 9
Amsterdam Toegangsprijs:
7,50 (inclusief 2 consumpties) Bereikbaarheid:
tram 9 vanaf Centraal Station, halte Plantage Kerklaan
Of de metro vanaf Centraal station en Amstel station,
halte Waterlooplein Parkeerplaats
achter Parkeergarage Stadhuis/Muziektheater Waterlooplein
1 Reserveren:
is mogelijk op of
telefonisch op 06-51999711
of 06-51333247. Diana
Buttu Diana
Buttu is a legal advisor with the Negotiations Support Unit of the Negotiations
Affairs Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Since
October, 2000, Ms. Buttu has been advising the Palestinian team in peace
negotiations with Israel on the issue of refugees and compensation. Previously,
Ms. Buttu served as legal counsel to the Canadian Department of Justice
in Ottawa. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Law and Refugee
Compensation at Stanford Law School. Ms. Buttu is also an editor of the
Palestine Yearbook of International Law. She received a B.A. and an LL.M.
from the University of Toronto, a J.D. from Queen's University in Ontario
and a J.S.M. from Stanford University. She is a member of the Ontario
(Yossi) ALPHER Yossi
Alpher is a consultant on Israel-related strategic issues, and is director
of the Political Security Domain (PSD), an independent NGO. Mr. Alpher
served in the Israel Defense Forces as an Intelligence officer, followed
by 12 years service in the Mossad. From
1981 to 1995 he was associated
with the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University,
filling the posts of deputy head of Center, director and acting head
of JCSS. From 1995 to 2000 he
served as director of the American Jewish
Committee's Israel/Middle East Office in Jerusalem. While at the Jaffee
Center, Mr. Alpher coordinated and coedited the JCSS research project on
options for a Palestinian settlement, and produced "The Alpher
Plan" for an
Israeli-Palestinian territorial settlement.
Since 1992, he has coordinated
several track II dialogues between Israelis and Arabs.
In July 2000
(during the Camp David talks) he served as Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister
of Israel, concentrating on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In
autumn 2001 he inaugurated, together with Ghassan Khatib from Ramallah,,
an internet-based Israeli-Palestinian weekly dialogue that focuses
on the Israeli-Arab conflict. In
December 2001 he published a book (in
Hebrew), And the Wolf Shall Dwell with the Wolf: the Settlers and the Palestinians.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nizar
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: [freedom!] The Apartheid Wall is Killing Palestine and
the Palestinians
to Aluf Benn, Ariel Sharon discovered at the Aqaba summit that the U.S.
President George Bush's was determined, "to throw his weight and
prestige behind finding a solution to the conflict between Israel and the
Palestinians…as if the issue was burning in his bones…" In his statement following the "peace talks in Aqaba, the Palestinian "Prime Minister" stressed on "denunciation and renunciation of terrorism and violence against Israelis wherever they might be". He promised to "end the militarisation of the intifada", to be "a full partner in the international war against terrorism" and to "achieve the goal of an independent, viable and sovereign Palestine". He did not find the courage to mention Palestinian rights. He did not mention Al-Quds. He did not mention the borders of the Palestinian State that he thinks Sharon and Bush would allow him to get as a reward for his unequivocal commitment. (The full text of the statement read by Mahmoud Abbas following the Aqaba "peace talks" is available online at: Statement of Sharon is available at: and the statement made by Bush is available at: Not only the Palestinian Right of Return and other major issues like Jerusalem and the borders of the promised pie in the sky were missing from these statements in Aqaba. What was missing from these "peace talks" were the UN, Russia and the EU, the assumed partners in the Road Map, which, together with the absence of Syria and Lebanon, raises a big question mark about the seriousness of the alleged intention of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Above all, what was deliberately missing from the declared statements in Sharm al Sheikh and Aqaba is any condemnation of the apartheid wall that is stealing more Palestinian lands and caging the Palestinians into an open-air prison and locking them into isolated cells. This wall, if left to proceed would isolate the densely populated areas in the West Bank and Gaza from each other and transform these cells into death camps where they have either to voluntarily "transfer" themselves outside the exclusive "Jewish State" or stay and wait for slow-motion death. Those who are unaware of the full extent and implications of the Apartheid Wall are referred to the two-parts article published in Yediot Aharonot and reproduced in the Electronic Intifada (available online at: An insightful article on the Apartheid Wall by Ran HaCohen was published in Dissident Voice ( on 21 May 2003and is accessible online through this link: David Neunuebel, Executive Director of the Americans for a Just Peace in the Middle East ( who had just returned from a trip to Palestine-Israel, wrote that Road Map or no Road Map, it's already too late [for any hopes in a peaceful coexistence]. Well, I don't think it is already too late if those who really care for peace to prevail would act quickly to stop the wall from being built. Silence about the continued building of the wall is tantamount to high treason on the part of politicians, especially Arab and particularly Palestinian politicians, and a betrayal for moral values on the part of peace and human rights activists. Please raise your voice and call for an immediate dismantling of the Apartheid Wall, which would kill the Palestinians and, with them, kill any hopes for peace and justice in the Middle East.
_______________________________________________________________________ -----
Original Message ----- From:
<> To:
"BADIL" <> Sent:
Thursday, June 05, 2003 4:08 PM Subject:
BADIL: Nusseibeh-Ayalon, a Non-Starter >
BADIL Resource Center >
For immediate release, 5-6-2003 (E/29/2003) >
--------------------------------- > >
A full-page paid advertisement of the "People's >
Campaign for Peace and Democracy" published in >
the Palestinian press today (5 June) represents >
the most recent attempt by Dr. Sari Nusseibeh to >
make believe that there is support among the >
Palestinian people for the more than one-year >
old "agreement" between the Palestinian academic >
and the former head of Israeli intelligence, Ami >
Ayalon. The list of some 360 signatories >
included in the advertisement, however, is >
hardly worth the money paid. It shows clearly >
that Nusseibeh-Ayalon are unable to recruit >
support among influential sectors of Palestinian >
society ( > >
Back in early May and coinciding with the >
popular preparations towards the 55th >
anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba of 1948, >
public anger was stirred by massive publicity >
this Campaign - also called 'the Destination >
Map' - falsely suggesting in its headlines that >
a Palestinian compromise on the refugees' right >
of return would "guarantee a [Palestinian] state >
in the 1967 borders free of settlements and >
sovereignty over the capital Jerusalem" (paid >
advertisement, Nusseibeh-Ayalon, al-Quds, 7 May >
2003). Insult was added to fury by the fact that >
Palestinian activists, especially non-refugees, >
were individually targeted to sign on to this >
initiative aimed at dividing Palestinian public >
opinion on the right of return. All Palestinian >
political groups responded with a stream of >
alerts warning the public to "not fall prey to >
the tricky ambush of the Zionist intelligence" >
(Fatah-Hebron District, 4 May 2003) and >
published statements denouncing the initiative. >
An official launching-conference scheduled for 5 >
May in Ramallah was eventually canceled due to >
these protests. > >
The Nusseibeh-Ayalon publicity campaign, >
conducted with apparently unlimited resources, >
cannot change reality: There is Palestinian >
consensus about the need for recognition and >
implementation of refugees' right of return. >
This consensus has been affirmed on numerous >
occasions. Thus, for example, by the following >
memorandum endorsed by 80 Palestinian community >
organizations, public institutions and political >
groups in Palestine and in exile in October 2002: > >
"We Palestinians, the undersigned, reaffirm our >
right to return to our homes from which we were >
displaced in 1948, just as we have reaffirmed >
this right throughout the past 54 years of >
exile. We reaffirm that the right of return is a >
basic human right as set forth in international >
law and UN General Assembly Resolution 194. >
Inherent in the right of return is the right to >
housing and property restitution. State >
succession or occupation does not extinguish >
these rights. > >
We reaffirm that the right of return is an >
individual and collective right. The right of >
return is non-negotiable. Governments or other >
second parties cannot waive or extinguish the >
right of return. > >
We therefore condemn efforts by Sari Nusseibeh, >
[...] to cede the right of Palestinian refugees >
to return to their homes of origin. We also >
condemn his latest public statement, prepared in >
concert with Ami Ayalon, the former head of the >
Israeli intelligence service, which >
unequivocally calls upon Palestinian refugees to >
waive their right to return to their homes, >
while recognizing the historical right of the >
'Jewish people' in Palestine. [...] > >
The Nusseibeh-Ayalon position is dangerous >
because it grants Israel impunity for war >
crimes, including mass expulsion and population >
transfer, as set forth in the Fourth Geneva >
Convention, and violates basic principles set >
forth in international law, UN resolutions and >
decisions adopted by the Palestinian National >
Council. > >
We reaffirm our right of return. Those who call >
upon us to cede our basic rights do not express >
the legitimate national interests of the >
Palestinian people; moreover, we do not consider >
them as belonging to the Palestinian people." > >
Signatories > >
1. Palestinian Prisoner's Society, head office, >
Bethlehem. >
2. Al-Awda Charitable Society for Refugees in >
the Bethlehem Governorate. >
3. Popular Service Committees in the West Bank >
Refugee Camps. >
4. The National Charitable Society-Deheisheh >
Refugee Camp. >
5. Palestinian National and Islamic Emergency >
Committee-Bethlehem. >
6. Palestinian Teachers Movement, Hebron office >
7. High Committee of Palestinian Students, Hebron >
8. Popular Service Committee, Samm'o, Hebron >
9. The Samm'o Municipality, Hebron. >
10. Ibn Sina Cultural Center, Samm'o, Hebron. >
11. General Union of Palestinian Students >
12. Fatah Movement, Southern West Bank >
13. Popular Service Committee, Doura, Hebron >
14. Samm'o Cultural Center, Hebron >
15. Fatah Movement, Samm'o,
Hebron >
16. Samm'o Youth Center, Hebron >
17. Samm'o Agricultural Cooperation Society, >
Hebron. >
18. Shabiba Movement, Hebron University. >
19. The Committee for the Twinship of French >
Cities with Palestinian Refugee Camps >
20. Al-'Arroub Youth Activity Center, Hebron. >
21. Fatah Movement, al-'Arroub Refugee Camp, >
Hebron. >
22. Popular Service Committee, al-'Arroub >
Refugee Camp, Hebron >
23. Charitable Committee, al-'Arroub Refugee >
Camp, Hebron. >
24. The Committee for the Protection of the >
Environment and the Landscape, >
al-'Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron. >
25. Fatah Movement, Deir Samet, Nablus. >
26. Committee for the Defense of the Palestinian >
Refugee Rights, Nablus >
27. Yaffa Cultural Center, Balata Refugee Camp, >
Nablus. >
28. Fatah Movement, Deheisheh Refugee Camp, >
Bethlehem. >
29. IBDA'A Center, Deheisha Refugee Camp, >
Bethlehem. >
30. Lajee Cultural Center, 'Aida Refugee Camp, >
Bethlehem. >
31. Al-Rowwad Theater Group, 'Aida Refugee Camp, >
Bethlehem. >
32. Popular Service Committee, 'Aida Refugee >
Camp, Bethlehem. >
33. BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian >
Residency and Refugee Rights, Bethlehem. >
34. Popular Service Committee, al-'Azza Refugee >
Camp, Bethlehem. >
35. Follow-up Committee for Southern West Bank >
Camp Affairs >
36. Popular Committee in Support of Prisoners of >
Freedom, Bethlehem. >
37. Society for the Defense of the Internally >
Displaced in Israel (Soliman Fahmawi). >
38. Executive Office of the Popular Service >
Committees (Abdullah Alwaleed), Gaza. >
39. Union of the Youth Activity Centers- >
Palestine Refugee Camps, (Jamal Abu Habal), Gaza. >
40. Union of the Youth Activity Centers- >
Palestine Refugee Camps (Wajih Atallah), West >
Bank. >
41. Union of the Women Activity Centers (Rifa'a >
Abu Rish), West Bank. >
42. Fatah Movement-Dora, Hebron. >
43. Fatah Movement-Sa'eer, Hebron. >
44. Palestinian Farmers' Union -Toubass, Nablus >
45. Al-Sourief Municipality, Hebron. >
46. Sa'eer Sport's Club, Hebron. > >
Jordan >
47. Head of al-Rowad Club - Hassan Hassanain. >
Jordan. >
48. Members of the High Committee for the >
Defense of the Palestinian Refugee Right of >
Return.Jordan >
49. Head and members of al-Mahatta Youth club. >
Jordan. >
50. General Assembly members of Baqa'a R.C Youth >
Club. Jordan. >
51. Popular Service Committee- Baqa'a R.C. >
Jordan. >
52. Former Head and members of Baqa'a Youth >
Club. Jordan. >
53. Head of Karmel Youth Club-Martyr Azmi R.C. Jordan. >
54. Head of al-Watan Youth Club-Russeifa. Jordan. >
55. Head and members of Popular Committee to Resist Normalization with the >
Enemy/Zarqa. Jordan. >
56. Club of Iraqi Universities Graduates. Jordan >
57. Head of Al-Awda R.C Youth Club-Zarqa. Jordan. >
58. Union Collation Committee/Irbid-Jordan. >
59. Union of Women/Irbid-Jordan. >
60. Committee for the Defense of the Right of return/Jar >
ash-Jordan. >
61. Al-Aqsa Youth Club/Sof R.C-Jordan. >
62. Jarash Cultural Forum-jordan. >
63. Union of Women/Zarqa-Jordan. >
64. Union of Jordanian Writers/Zarqa-Jordan. >
65. Gaza Youth Club/Jarash R.C-Jordan. > >
Lebanon >
66. 'Aidon Group. >
67. Association Najdeh. >
68. Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts. >
69. Beit Atfal al-Sumoud. >
70. Children and Youth Center-Shatilla R.C. >
71. Forum of NGOs in Lebanon. >
72. Ghassan Kanafni Cultural Foundation. >
73. Inaash-Association for the Development of Palestinian Ca >
mps. >
74. KG resource and Training Center. >
75. Norwegian peoples' Aid-Lebanon. >
76. Popular Aid for Relief and Development. > >
Syria >
77. 'Aiduon Group. > >
Europe >
78. Al-'Awda-Palestine Right to Return Coalition >
Europe. >
79. Al-'Awda-UK > >
North America >
80. Palestinian Right to Return
Coalition >
(Al-Awda) > >
------------------------------ BADIL
Resource Center aims to provide a resource pool of alternative, critical and
progressive information on the queston of Palestinian refugees in our quest
to achieve a just and lasting soluton for exiled Palestinians based on their
right of return. PO
Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine; Email:; Website:; Tel/fax:
-2-2747346; -52-360769 _______________________________________________________________________