NPK-info 06-07-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee /
Actie met details hierna
- 9-7 "We Demand Justice for Palestine Now!"
   En ook www.icj-cij.org
- Ter informatie bericht over een vrijdag te vormen picket-line hierna.
   Stopdemuur! gaat met vijftig personen die picketline vormen.


- Why Israel is still afraid of Mordechai Vanunu
  Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 28 June 2004
- Israel Set to Defy ICJ Ruling, Asks for US Veto, July 05 2004
- The Situation of Workers of the Occupied Arab Territories
  June 01, 2004, International Labour Office Geneva
- The Second Intifada - an Israeli Strategy
  July 05, 2004, Khalid Amayreh
- The Israeli Torture Template
  Rape, Feces and Urine-Dipped Cloth Sacks, Wayne Madsen


Join Freedom Summer Palestine: http://www.palsolidarity.org/


NPK/WL, 6-7-2004






Op 9 juli a.s. om 15.00 uur zal het Internationaal Gerechtshof in Den Haag
advies uitbrengen over de juridische gevolgen van de Israëlische
Apartheidsmuur op Palestijns grondgebied.


Voor deze gelegenheid organiseert de Initiatiefgroep Stop de Muur een




Voor het Vredespaleis in Den Haag


Op 9 juli tussen 14.00 en 16.00 uur


Aan de picket actie zal worden deelgenomen door Nederlandse en
internationale activisten samen met een delegatie prominente
persoonlijkheden (politici, kunstenaars, geestelijke leiders en andere
vertegenwoordigers van maatschappelijke organisaties en


Sloop de Apartheidsmuur!               Stop de Bezetting!
Sancties en Boycot tegen Israël!       Gerechtheid voor de Palestina!


De Initiatiefgroep Stop de Muur is een samenwerkingsverband van het
Nederlands Palestina Komitee (NPK), de Palestijnse Gemeenschap in Nederland
(PGN) en Stop de Bezetting (SDB). De actie wordt door vele andere
organisaties ondersteund.


www.stopdemuur.nl                          www.palestina-komitee.nl


Voor inlichtingen over de activiteiten gelieve contact op te nemen met:
Wim Lankamp +31628916795
Sonja Zimmermann +31610936505, or s.zimmermann@planet.nl


July 9 & 10: Days of Action: "We Demand Justice for Palestine Now!"
Call to Action, PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, June 28th, 2004


It has taken over 50 years of relentless oppression and a monstrous Wall for
even a single Israeli crime to be brought before an International Court. The
foundation of Israel in 1948 has resulted in the destruction of over 400
Palestinian villages, dozens of massacres of Palestinians at the hands of
Israeli Forces and the destruction and theft of massive amounts of land.
Occupation of what remained of historic Palestine in 1967 was an overt and
devastating injustice as was the illegal annexation of the heart of
Palestine - Jerusalem. With some 5 million refugees, Palestinians are
becoming the largest population of refugees in the world while almost half
of the Palestinian male population has been through Israeli prisons. Despite
all of this, the International community has remained essentially idle in
front of these blatant violations of Human Rights and International Law,
offering no significant challenge and failing to demand proper


Today, the Apartheid Wall is condensing all of the crimes of Israeli
Occupation into one project.


- The Wall condemns an entire population to open-air prisons, restricting
free movement and stifling all forms of productive economy;
- The Wall threatens the livelihood and existence of over 300,000
Palestinians by separating them from their land, resources, families,
schools, medical centers and livelihoods, imposing conditions in which they
are forced to abandon their cities and villages, thus becoming part of the
growing number of Palestinian refugees;
- The Wall illegally confiscates land, valuable underground water aquifers
and other earthly resources.
- The Wall is a clear continuation of Israel's racist Apartheid policy of
land annexation, dispossession and expulsion of the Palestinian people.
- The Wall will put an end to a viable two-state solution and will lock
Palestinians into ghettos or bantustans throughout historic Palestine,
imposing an Apartheid system of extreme magnitude.


Since the beginning of the construction of the Wall in June 2002,
Palestinians have been protesting against it and international organizations
have repeatedly highlighted ways in which the Wall violates Human Rights Law
and International Humanitarian Law. In October 2003, the United Nations'
General Assembly passed resolution ES 10/13, demanding that Israel stop
construction of the Wall and demolish the existing sections within one
month's time. Israel refused to comply with this resolution as it has done
with all other UN resolutions regarding the rights of the Palestinian
people. Nonetheless, ongoing Palestinian pressure, supported by
international censure pushed the United Nations General Assembly on December
8 2003 to pass a resolution requesting that the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) in The Hague give an Advisory Opinion on the "legality" of the
Wall. Hearings were thus held in the Hague in February 2004.


On the 9th of July, 3 pm, the advisory opinion of the International Court of
Justice will be issued.


The importance of the Court's opinions is well known. A positive Court
opinion can make a difference. In 1971, after the ICJ brought a verdict
against South Africa's Occupation of Namibia, the international community
imposed sanctions on the Apartheid State. Subsequent International
isolation, economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure have supported the
South African Anti-Apartheid Movement in its struggle against a racist and
colonialist regime and have brought South Africa Apartheid to an end.


The release of ICJ advisory opinion is not only occasion to evaluate the
readiness of the international community to take up its responsibilities
towards Palestine, but also a time to highlight the devastating effects of
the Wall, its racist and colonialist motives and to prompt all further steps
to tear down the Apartheid Wall. We must engage in an increasingly
determined, coordinated and Palestinian-led effort in order to see the Wall
fall as a first step to ending Israeli Apartheid and Occupation.


On July 9th, remain critical and expose the political implications of the
ICJ decision - whatever its content may be -to support us in raising up the
Palestinian voice to the world's public opinion.


The international community has a responsibility to take into strong
consideration not only the legal but also the political consequences of the
Court's decisions. We are calling upon all seekers of justice and friends of
Palestine to act in solidarity with our struggle against the Apartheid Wall
and Israeli occupation.


The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign is asking for
immediate action - sanctions and boycott on Apartheid Israel until the Wall
falls and Israel complies with International Law and the UN resolutions.




Take the demands of the affected Palestinian communities in resistance and
the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign to the streets and make them


Tear down the Apartheid Wall!
Stop the Occupation!
Sanctions and Boycott on Apartheid Israel!
Justice for Palestine!


We are urging you to support our efforts and make our voices heard: Mobilize
in your streets and organize protests and info events.


Distribute our press releases; use independent media, lobbying and pressure
mainstream media to report on the ICJ opinion taking into account the
Palestinian voice, the construction of the Wall, the Palestinian struggle
against it and world wide solidarity.


Thank you for your support!


Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign



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