NPK-info 10-12-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Vandaag 10 december de
VN-Dag van de Rechten van de Mens
Zie persverklaring NPK hierna vanwege - URGENT ALERT Presidential Candidate Attacked by Israeli Forces http://www.palestinemonitor.org/new_web/home.htm
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aan boycot-acties op 11 december
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- BADIL Press release,
It's 56 years and there's still no return! Anniversary of UNGA Resolution 194 and UNCCP - ISM: Where are the Foreign Journalists? John, Nablus, Occupied West Bank - The Launching of a New International Campaign of Sanctions Against Israel Summary of Press conference with Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi October 20, 2004 http://www.palestinemonitor.org/new_web/October_update_archive.htm#sanctions NPK/WL, 10-12-2004 ______________________________________________________________________ ----- Original Message ----- From: Nederlands Palestina Komitee Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 2:46 PM Subject: persbericht: hoe Israel Palestijnse verkiezingen dwarsboomt Nederlands Palestina Komitee Postbus 10520 1001 EM Amsterdam Tel. 020 6246 046 Ter attentie van de redactie Vandaag 10 december de VN-Dag van de Rechten van de Mens Israel dwarsboomt Palestijnse verkiezingen ZOJUIST IS BEKEND GEWORDEN DAT de internationaal bekende Palestijnse kandidaat voor de Palestijnse presidentsverkiezingen van 9 januari, Dr Mustafa Barghouthi, ter observatie is opgenomen in Ramallah's Sheikh Zayed Ziekenhuis na tegen de grond te zijn geslagen door Israelische soldaten bij een checkpoint in de buurt van Jenin. Dit is een slecht voorteken voor het eerlijk verloop van de a.s. Palestijnse verkiezingen die sowieso al in een bezettingssituatie moeten plaatsvinden. Wij verwachten dat u daaraan de nodige aandacht geeft, de VN-Dag van de mensenrechten, 10 december, evenals aan het dagelijks geweldloos verzet tegen de doorgaande bouw van de Apartheidsmuur, alsmede de bouw van de nederzettingen. Op dit moment worden verwoestingen aangericht in Jayyous ten behoeve van een nieuwe nederzetting. Idem dito voor wat betreft de afsluitingen, de moord "for fun" (zie NRC van 9-12), enz. enz. Minister Bot zou zich hierover ook eens moeten uitspreken. Dr Barghouth werd tegengehouden bij het checkpoint Jaba in de buurt van de stad Jenin, in het noorden van de Westoever, op weg naar huis in Ramallah. Hij en zijn begeleiders werden onder bedreiging met vuurwapens gedwongen hun auto's te verlaten en vervolgens met een stortvloed van scheldwoorden en slaag overladen. Lu'ai Arafat kreeg verschillende slagen met de kolf van een geweer op zijn hoofd. Toen de soldaten dr Allam Jarrar begonnen te slaan en hij probeerde tussenbeide te komen werd hij hardop zijn rug geslagen als gevolg waarvan hij viel. Ook de anderen werden op de grond gedwongen en alle zes moesten langer dan een uur blijven liggen. Dit is de tweede keer in een week dat deze presidentskandidaat verhinderd wordt te reizen tussen steden op de Westoever. Maandag jl werd dr Barghouthi, toen hij op weg was naar de Palestijnse wijk Tel el-Armeda, onder bedreiging met een vuurwapen tegengehouden bij een checkpoint in de Shuhadastraat in Hebron. Dr Barghouthi gaf hierop als commentaar dat hij nog niet eerder zo vernederd en uitgescholden was bij een van de 700 checkpoints waar de Palestijnen dit soort ervaringen dagelijks opdoen. Hij riep de internationale gemeenschap op te interveniëren, zowel terwille van de verkiezingen als om de schandelijke bejegening van Palestijnse burgers te doen stoppen. Nog geen maand geleden zegde de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Colin Powell, de Palestijnen volledige Amerikaanse steun toe voor de verkiezingen en Israel verzekerde dat het met het oog op de verkiezingen de reisbeperkingen zou verminderen. Op 22 november stelde minister Silvan Shalom van Buitenlandse Zaken dat het in het belang van Israel was om erop toe te zien dat de Palestijnse verkiezingen door zouden gaan en dat "Israel alles zal doen wat in haar vermogen ligt om het correcte verloop ervan te verzekeren" en dat de Palestijnen "vrijheid van beweging" zouden hebben. De gebeurtenissen van vandaag laten duidelijk Israels openlijke pogingen zien , om de Palestijnse democratische verkiezingen te dwarsbomen . Dit is opnieuw een duidelijk bewijs van minachting voor mensenrechten. Als de presidentskandidaten zelf al onderworpen worden aan zulk geweld en vernedering, is het onwaarschijnlijk dat de overige Palestijnse bevolking, die deze ellende dagelijks moeten verduren, de nodige vrijheid om te stemmen zullen krijgen. ______________________________________________________________________ ----- Original Message ----- From: Kees Wagtendonk To: Kees Wagtendonk Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:44 PM Subject: de muur moet vallen - boycotacties Nederlands Palestina Komitee Postbus 10520 1001EM Amsterdam tel. 020 62 46 046 Website: www.palestina-komitee.nl
email: npk@xs4all.nl
info: 020 6246 046 of 020 64 11 372/06 18 545 298
ISRAEL BOYCOT DE INTERNATIONALE RECHTSORDE, DAAROM BOYCOTTEN WIJ ISRAELISCHE PRODUCTEN. EIS INTERNATIONALE SANCTIES 10-11december, VN-dag van de Rechten van de mens - Internationale campagne van sancties tegen Israels illegale bezetting van Palestijns gebied en schending van mensenrechten inclusief de resoluties van het Internationale Gerechtshof tegen de bouw van de apartheidsmuur. In de volgende plaatsen zal d.m.v. picketlines, sandwichacties, kraams en bijeenkomsten opgeroepen worden tot een consumentenboycot van Israelische producten en een oproep tot sancties: Amsterdam: zaterdag 11/12 van 13:30 tot 14:30 uur voor de Albert Heijn, Amsterdamse Poort, Bijlmer. Alkmaar: zaterdag 11/12 van 20.00-22.00 uur, Karavaan manifestatie tegen de muur. in de Sociëteit, Luttik Oudorp 78, Sprekers Gretta Duisenberg en Ibrahim al-Baz Haarlem: zaterdag 11/12, stand 13.00 - 16.00 uur Grote Houtstraat zondag 12/12 van 13.00-17.00 uur deelname aan kerstmarkt met antimuur actie Het Breed Platform Palestina 35 jaar Bezet organiseert op zondag 12 december een kerstactie tegen de bouw van de Israëlische Apartheidsmuur. De actie omvat een kerststal die de situatie in Bethlehem anno 2004 laat zien. Ook is er een vredes kerstboom waarin voorbijgangers kaartjes met vredeswensen kunnen hangen. Een fototentoonstelling laat verder zien wat de gevolgen zijn voor de Palestijnen van deze landroof. Daarnaast kunnen belangstellenden een handtekening zetten onder een petitie tegen de bouw van de muur. Tenslotte zorgt een muziekgezelschap de “Peace Notes” voor de muzikale omlijsting van de actie. Tijd en plaats zijn zondag 12 december van 13.00 tot 17.00 op de hoek Grote Houtstraat / Spekstraat in Haarlem. Den Haag: zaterdag 11/12 van 12-13.00 uur, Plein Rotterdam: zaterdag 11/12 van 13.30-15.00 uur, Beursplein tegenover V&D ___________________________________________________________
For your information.
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights Press release, 8 December 2004 (E/41/04) It's 56 years and there's still no return! Anniversary of UNGA Resolution 194 and UNCCP On 11 December 1948, the United Nations adopted Resolution 194 which set up the UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) and "resolved that (Palestinian) refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date." A day earlier, 10 December, member states of the UN had adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by UNGA Res. 217A (III), marked as Human Rights Day. UN members have now accepted the UDHR as the authoritative standard for human rights. It calls for fundamental human rights including the right to leave any country, including one's own, and return to one's own country. The Charter of the United Nations calls for self- determination. All human rights conventions flow from the aims and ideals set out in the Charter and the UDHR. The individual right to self-determination requires States to respect all rights in human rights conventions they have signed. This includes the right of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes and repossess their properties. See Bulletin 23: "The Right of Return and Self- Determination Asserted in All International Law" released today on http://www.badil.org By the early 1950s the UNCCP had no resources to search for durable solutions; refugees have still not returned and been compensated for their losses and there is currently no international agency with the mandate to look for durable solutions to the Palestinian refugee problem. This is despite the fact that the UN has regularly endorsed resolutions that call for the individual or collective self- determination of Palestinian people which affirms their right to a state of their own in part of Palestine. All of the following additional information on UNGA Resolution 194 is now easily accessible via: www.badil.org/Index-Updates/News006.htm BADIL Occasional Bulletins * The Meaning of UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III); * The Right of Return and the Meaning of Refugee Choice. BADIL Information & Discussion Briefs * The 1948 Palestinian Refugees and the Individual Right of Return: An International Law Analysis UN Resolutions: * UNGA Resolution 194, 11 December 1948: right of refugees to return to their homes and properties in Israel, restitution, compensation; * UNGA Resolution 3236(XXIX), 22 November 1974: Inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, self-determination and return; * UNGA Resolution 36/146, 16 December 1981: Properties and revenues derived from them. Other UN Materials: * Analysis of Paragraph 11 of the General Assembly Resolution of 11 December 1948, UNCCP, Working Paper Prepared by the UN Secretariat, U.N. Doc. A/AC.25/W.45 (Restricted) (Original: English), 15 May 1950; * CEIRPP Report to UN Security Council, June 1976: included a two-phase plan for return of Palestinians to their homes and property; a timetable for withdrawing Israeli forces from the occupied territories by 1 June 1977, providing, if necessary, temporary peacekeeping forces to facilitate the process; an end to the establishing settlements; Israel's recognition of the applicability of the 4th Geneva Convention to the occupied territories pending withdrawal; and endorsement of Palestinians' inherent right to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty in Palestine. * Right of Return, Joint Parliamentary Middle East Councils Commission of Enquiry--Palestinian Refugees. Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat Middle East Councils. --------------- Badil-english is a dissemination list of BADIL Resource Center. All communication with BADIL should be addressed to: info@badil.org
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BADIL Resource Center aims to provide a resource pool of
critical and progressive information on the question of Palestinian refugees in our quest to achieve a just and lasting soluton for exiled Palestinians based on their right of return. PO Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine; Email: info@badil.org; Website: www.badil.org; Telephone/Fax: 02-2747346 >From outside of Palestine: 972-2-2747346 ___________________________________________________________
----- Original Message -----
From: "International Solidarity Movement" <ism-alerts@palsolidarity.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 1:32 PM
Subject: [palsolidarity] ISM Reports and Journals
2. Where are the Foreign Journalists? John, Nablus, Occupied West Bank Are the Palestinian territories the only war torn place in the world not covered by journalists? How can accurate reporting of the conflict take place if reporters never leave Jerusalem or Ramallah - cities that are generally safe from the harassment and violence of every day life in the Palestinian territories? Since I have arrived a few weeks ago, I have seen only two foreign journalists in the West Bank. One was an independent freelance journalist; the other, who I saw only this morning, was an elderly Welsh woman who works with the BBC. Following their passion for justice, they have traveled here alone and without a news crew - and generally without institutional support. Thus in Nablus, a city of 300,000 people constantly under siege from Israeli military incursions and violence, the occasional journalist or international activist immediately stands out. Last week in Jenin, for example, five internationals with the ISM were the only foreigners in the city. There was not a single foreign journalist to be found. In comparison to Iraq, the West Bank is generally a safe place for both travel and work. Palestinians are extraordinarily generous and hospitable and I, along with most people who have spent time here, feel safer walking around here than around many American cities. Are the absent journalists too lazy, has the occupation gone on so long that it is no longer eye-catching, or are they intimidated by the Israeli government? Israel does demand the right to censor pictures and news stories from foreign journalists, but there are ways of reporting stories truthfully if one is willing to invest the effort. The BBC reporter that I met in Nablus this morning was one such case. She has changed her name four times in the past two years in order to be able to get into the country to work. Doing so has allowed her to report truthfully, and escape the censorship and strict media guidelines that Israel imposes on its reporters. Both of the reporters that I have met are unique in that they had to go to great lengths to even get into Nablus. Over the past month, the city has been closed to all foreigners. This includes both human rights activists, like ISM volunteers, as well as journalists. To get into the city, one has to sneak in, which requires that you find someone to show you a route that Israeli soldiers are unaware of. These secret pathways require both car travel on some very bad roads, as well as some challenging walking, but the trip can be accomplished in the space of a few hours. However, the need to use secret pathways to get into and out of a city whose perimeter is controlled by Israeli soldiers criminalizes the people who need or want to travel in and out without censorship or harassment. Two years ago in Nablus (during a period when the city was officially "open" to foreigners and others), I stood one day next to a BBC photographer who was reporting on an Israeli invasion occurring that day. As they tried to walk to school, children were being tear gassed, arrested, and beaten by Israeli soldiers. We were both documenting the events when a soldier approached us and demanded our film. We both refused but eventually the BBC reporter gave up the film to the solider. I asked him why he gave in. He responded, "If I didn't give them the film, I wouldn't be able to work here again and it would be bad for my career". Being the only foreign reporter in the city at that time - whose film was later confiscated - the world was never able to witness the unbelievable violence of Israeli soldiers towards those particular schoolchildren. Israel believes that its war with the Palestinians is, at least in part, a public relations war. Government officials speak openly about their need to control the way the conflict is represented in the United States and Europe. People who get all of their news about the conflict from Euro-American mainstream media will never be able to understand this conflict. Without searching the many alternative and independent news sites that cover the conflict here, most people in "the West" misunderstand the conflict as either a "war between two peoples" of ethnic, primordial, and religious hatred or, alternatively, as an Israeli response to Palestinian violence. They fail to understand the most elementary fact of life for people in the occupied territories, which is that Palestinian people live under a harsh and brutal military occupation by a foreign army. The occupation, which today is the longest running in the world, is rarely mentioned. As long as journalists are not willing to take a risk and report contrary to Israeli interests or travel to areas forbidden by the Israeli government, the world will never gain the objectivity and knowledge which it needs in order to truly understand this conflict, and the social injustice which it perpetuates. ______________________________________________________________________ The Launching of a New International Campaign of Sanctions Against Israel Summary of Press conference with Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi October 20, 2004 http://www.palestinemonitor.org/new_web/October_update_archive.htm#sanctions As Set Forth by Solidarity Movements in the EU Social Forum in order to End the Illegal Occupation of the Palestinian Territories And Enforce International Humanitarian Law and Relevant ICJ Resolutions December 11 is already set aside by the UN to honor international human rights, and this year it will also be a day to call in a unified voice for sanctions against the Israeli government in order to enforce implementation of the ICJ decisions and other Human Rights laws adopted by the General Assembly of the UN. It will be a day to show solidarity with the Palestinian people in Europe and throughout the world. In the wake of the ICJ decisions, the international community has a tremendous opportunity to put the Palestinian issue at the center of the humanitarian movement for freedom, equality, and justice. If Palestinians have strong international support, they will have reason to believe in the effectiveness of non-violent resistance. Such a campaign can show Israelis and Palestinians, and the world at large, that non-violent peaceful popular struggle is a viable option and a better option than violence. By using moral force to level the balance of power between Israel and Palestine, a strong statement can be made that a globalized, enlightened world will no longer tolerate the abuses of raw power politics. 1. Suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which Israel signed to on condition that it respected human rights and international law. Because Israel is in grave breach of human rights and international law, the Agreement must be suspended. 2. Ending of all military cooperation with Israel, especially the import and export of weapons. 3. Divestment from Israeli companies and sanctions against purchasing and selling Israeli products. 4. Governmental academic non-cooperation with Israel. The campaign also calls for Palestinian non-cooperation with the Israeli government, especially regarding the ‘Gaza Disengagement Plan,’ which only serves to turn Gaza into a giant prison while settlements are expanded in the West Bank, until there is a true and real peace process.