NPK-info 12-01-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee /

Actietips m.b.t. de apartheidsmuur

- Israel Facing Int'l Boycott over Apartheid Wall: Lapid


- Israel Fears Isolation, Sanctions Over Fence; Slam the Court, Advisers Urge; ORI NIR


N.B. 23-2 Internationaal Gerechtshof [ICJ] te Den Haag bijeen over "de muur".


Politici in Palestina

- http://www.sp.nl/service/dossiers/israel/bezoek2003/



- 14-1 Amsterdam, De Balie: Discussie over binationale staat: zie hierna

  Zie ook http://www.passia.org/meetings/2003/Nov12-Text.htm

  N.B. Benvenisti is medeverantwoordelijk voor de nederzettingen in Jeruzalem.

  Wil kennelijk de druk op het verwijderen van de 400.000 kolonisten afhalen.

  BADIL heeft hierna nog wat mee te geven aan wie deelneemt aan de bijeenkomst,

  deel van "de realiteit".



- Explosieve Materie, Nederlandse Wapenhandel Blootgelegd; Martin Broek en Frank Slijper

  Papieren Tijger



Zie ISM op www.palsolidarity.org


NPK/WL, 12-1-2004




Binationale staat: droombeeld of werkelijkheid


Debat over de binationale staat vs. de twee- staten optie als  vredesperspectief voor het Israëlisch- Palestijnse conflict


Twee staten of één staat voor beide volkeren? Speciale gast is Meron Benvenisti, de Israëlische publicist en voormalig loco- burgemeester van Jeruzalem. Hij vindt dat de politieke realiteit het politieke denken over oplossingen allang heeft ingehaald. Palestijnen en Israëliers zijn tot elkaar veroordeeld. Hij ziet één binationale staat voor beide volkeren als enige logische en wenselijke oplossing. In de Israëlische krant Ha'aretz verklaarde hij onlangs:


Neither Oslo nor the separation fence nor talk about a Palestinian state can change the status quo.


In fact, even today we are living in a binational reality, and it is a permanent given. It cannot be ignored and it cannot be denied. What we have to do is adapt our thinking and our concepts to this reality.


Deelnemers: Meron Benvenisti (Israël),  Elon Portugaly (Israël, Peace Now), Radi Suudi, Jan Gruiters, Rob Simons en Wim Bartels (gespreksleider) 


Organisatie: Pax Christi Nederland



Plaats: de Balie,

Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10



Datum 14 januari


Voertaal: Engels

Aanvang 20.00 uur

Entree: 5 euro


Voor meer informatie bel Evert-Jan Grit: 030 242 84 82 email: grit@paxchristi.nl




----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 11:44 AM
Subject: [Badil-english] Time for a rights-based approach: BADIL at Miftah-FFIPP conference


BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency
and Refugee Rights

Press Release E1/04
5 January 2004

Peace making based on power politics isn't
so it's time for a new approach, BADIL tells

The history, rights and needs of Palestinian
refugees have been excluded from recent Middle
East peacemaking efforts, BADIL Director Ingrid
Jaradat told an international academic
conference in Jerusalem 4-5 January.

Ms. Jaradat said that a new approach to
peacemaking must be based on a recognition that
the root cause of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is the 1948 "Nakba" during which more
than 750,000 Palestinians were forced to flee
their lands and homes.  She called on Jewish-
Israelis to critically assess the role their
leaders in the destruction of historic Palestine
and in violations of basic human rights and
international law.

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe elaborated on this
point by calling for Israeli accountability in
the creation of the Middle East conflict.   He
said there could be no peace in the region until
there was accountability, acknowledgement and
acceptance of Israel's role in the continuing
conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Terry Rempel, head of BADIL's Resource Unit,
drew the conference's attention to a BADIL
review of recent peace agreements in 12 areas of
the world which points to the role of public
participation in peacemaking, the inclusion of
international human rights principles and the
recognition of refugee rights for successful
peace agreements.  This review is available on
BADIL's web site

In a paper presented to the conference, BADIL
urged that Palestinian refugees and the
Palestinian exile community become active
partners and participants in the search for new
models of peace makings.  The paper went on to
say that while peace making requires changes and
compromises by all parties involved, Jewish-
Israeli society must change its agenda for a
serious peace process to be put in place.

BADIL also said that a new approach to peace
making must recognize the legal obligations to
and remedies for Palestinian refugees in line
with international law, UN Resolution 194 and
best practice as seen in recent successful peace-
making efforts around the world.

The conference was organized by Miftah, The
Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of
Global Dialogue and Democracy and FFIPP, Faculty
for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, a US-based
network of university faculty with affiliates in
Israel and Palestine.  The aim of this
conference and a previous conference in June
20003 is to develop an active international
network for peace, justice and democracy in the
Middle East.

BADIL Center for Palestinian Residency and
Refugee Rights takes a rights-based approach to
the Palestinian refugee issue; promotes research
into all aspects of Palestinian residency and
refugee rights and encourages Palestinian
community participation in the peace making


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BADIL Resource Center aims to provide a resource pool
of alternative, critical and progressive information on the
question of Palestinian refugees in our quest to achieve
a just and lasting soluton for exiled Palestinians based
on their right of return.

PO Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine;
Telephone/Fax: 02-2747346
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