NPK-info 13-05-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Actie 15 mei bij
VS-consulaat Amsterdam, zie hierna.
Met: BADIL commentary: International law to Iraq
The Israeli Torture Template
Rape, Feces and Urine-Dipped
Cloth Sacks
NPK/WL, 13-5-2004
Zaterdag 15 mei zal er om 13.00 uur bij het Amerikaans consulaat in Amsterdam een protestactie worden gehouden tegen de martelpraktijken in Irak. Met een symbolische Muur van Schande om het consulaat zal worden geprotesteerd tegen zowel de Amerikaanse misdaden in Irak als tegen de steun van Bush aan de bouw van de apartheidsmuur in Palestina. De afgelopen weken hebben we het ware gezicht van de bezetters van Irak kunnen zien: de structurele martelingen in de gevangenissen, het massale bloedbad bij het beleg van Fallujah, en de duidelijke intentie van Bush dat ook na de zogenaamde machtsoverdracht op 30 juni Irak geregeerd zal worden door het Amerikaanse leger. Daarnaast heeft de onvoorwaardelijke steun van Bush aan Israël Sharon een vrijbrief gegeven om de onderdrukking van de Palestijnen verder op te voeren en door te gaan met de bouw van de apartheidsmuur. Het is deze oorlogspolitiek die zowel het Midden-Oosten als de rest van de wereld tot een onveiligere plek maakt. Wij hebben genoeg van deze leugens en misdaden. De bezetting van Irak en Palestina - en de Nederlandse steun daaraan - moet worden beëindigd. Ook de levens van Nederlandse soldaten mogen niet langer op het spel worden gezet in deze onrechtvaardige oorlog. Zaterdag 15 mei aanstaande, 56 jaar na ‘Al Naqba’ (het begin van de bezetting van Palestina), zullen we daarom actie voeren. De actie wordt georganiseerd door het Komitee Marokkaanse Arbeiders Nederland, de Palestijnse Gemeenschap Nederland, Emcemo, het Nederlands Palestina Komitee en de Internationale Socialisten. KOM OOK EN DEMONSTREER MEE! ______________________________________________________________________
----- Original Message -----
From: <info@badil.org>
To: <badil-english@p-ol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004
11:37 AM
Subject: [Badil-english] BADIL
commentary: International law to Iraq andPalestine?
BADIL Resource Center for
Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights Press Release 11 May 2004 (E/16/04) BADIL Commentary: International law comes to Iraq. When to Palestine? The assurance from U.S. military and civilian authorities that international law and the Geneva conventions will now apply after revelations of prisoner abuse in Iraq is a very welcome signal. Does this mean that international law is now recognized by members of the Coalition Provision Authority in Iraq as an essential element in resolving conflicts? Does it also mean that high-ranking military and civilian officials will be held accountable for human rights abuses? Palestinians have been waiting for such a signal for decades. Since the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict began in 1948, the United Nations Security Council has adopted more than 200 resolutions on the subject but the trail of unimplemented resolutions is endless. They include resolutions asking Israel to abide by obligations and responsibilities in the 4th Geneva Convention, rescind measures changing the status of Jerusalem, cease building illegal Jewish colonies on occupied Palestinian land, stop deporting Palestinians from the occupied territories, and on and on. Neither Security Council Resolution 242 on withdrawal of Israeli forces from 1967 occupied territories and asking for a just settlement of the Palestinian refugee problem nor General Assembly Resolution 194 on the right of return, passed annually, has been implemented. The welcome sign that international law may become recognized as a key factor in setting standards for human and civil rights gives hope that the application of human rights norms will be extended to the Israeli occupied territories. The belated recognition of international law reinforces a recent BADIL study of peace agreements in 12 areas of the world. The study found that successful agreements contained provision for the application of international law, human rights law and refugee law in solving long-term conflicts. BADIL takes a rights-based approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and encourages an understanding of this by supporting research into residency and refugee rights and international law, organizing study visits by Palestinians to regions where the reconciliation process is under way and through seminars bringing together legal practitioners, policy makers and academics to discuss peacemaking and refugee protection. BADIL carries out awareness-raising campaigns within the Palestinian refugee community to increase its knowledge of human and refugee rights under international law and works closely with several Jewish Israeli organizations to increase an understanding of the Palestinian refugee issue within Israel. ------------------- Badil-english is a dissemination list of BADIL Resource Center. All communication with BADIL should be addressed to: info@badil.org In order to subscribe to this list, please send an empty message to: badil-english-subscribe@p-ol.com If you wish to un-subscribe, please send an empty message to: badil-english-unsubscribe@p-ol.com BADIL Resource Center aims to provide a resource pool of alternative, critical and progressive information on the question of Palestinian refugees in our quest to achieve a just and lasting soluton for exiled Palestinians based on their right of return. PO Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine; Email: info@badil.org; Website: www.badil.org; Telephone/Fax: 02-2747346 >From outside of Palestine: 972-2-2747346 _______________________________________________ Badil-english mailing list Badil-english@p-ol.com http://mail.p-ol.com/mailman/listinfo/badil-english