NPK-info 20-04-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Over Bush-Sharon
- Why all the fuss about the
Bush-Sharon meeting?
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 14 April 2004 http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article2577.shtml
- Bush Has Squandered His
Leverage in the Middle East
April 19, 2004, David Ignatius
- By endorsing Ariel Sharon's
plan George Bush has legitimised terrorism
April 19, 2004, Robert Fisk
Over de moord op Rantisi
- Another Assassination
April 19, 2004, Gush Shalom
- An assassination that the
world must condemn
The Independent, April 19, 2004 http://www.palestinemonitor.org/Feature/assassination_the_world_must_condemn.htm
- Israel's Assassination Policy
International law prohibits
without exception, the extra-judicial killing of protected
persons. Israel's policy of assassination clearly
amounts to intentional or
wilful killing, which constitutes a grave breach of the
Fourth Geneva Convention and is subject to
international criminal
Over verzet tegen de
- Israeli troops confront
non-violent demonstrators with live ammunition
April 19, 2004 http://www.palestinemonitor.org/updates/Israeli_troops_confront_demonstrators.htm
Over Palestijnse
- April 17th – The Plight of
Palestinian Prisoners Continues
April 17, 2004, MIFTAH
Mordechai Vanunu komt 21
april vrij, zie
Activiteiten - IS-discussie-weekend 23-25/4, zie hierna
NPK/WL, 20-4-2004
Why all the fuss about
the Bush-Sharon meeting?
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 14 April 2004 http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article2577.shtml
The 14
April meeting between President Bush and Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon in Washington sent Palestinian leaders
into a flying panic. But their response reeks of desperation
and self-interest rather than any real concern for the fate
of the Palestinian people and their land or because the
results of the meeting represented any new setback for
Palestinian rights.
Hours before departing Israel, Sharon announced that large Israeli settlement blocks would remain in the West Bank forever. Referring to the largest Israeli colony, east of occupied Jerusalem, Sharon said, "Ma'aleh Adumim will remain part of the state of Israel forever and ever." Sharon who spoke at a Passover celebration in Ma'aleh Adumim itself, named other settlements he plans to keep, including the large Gush Etzion block south of Jerusalem, Giv'at Ze'ev, Ariel and Kiryat Arba. When he got to Washington, Sharon received the two public assurances he badly wanted from Bush as prize for his announced withdrawal from Gaza. At their joint press conference following their meeting, Bush said that Palestinian refugees should be resettled in a Palestinian state, not in Israel. Sharon had wanted such a statement of US opposition to Palestinian refugees exercising their right of return to homes in Israel from which they were expelled or fled. Bush also said that any final peace deal should reflect that "realities on the ground and in the region have changed greatly." This was a nod to Sharon's demand that Israel ought to be allowed to keep its large illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank. Prior to the Bush-Sharon summit, Palestinian leaders were hysterical about the prospect of such American assurances — which had been widely previewed in the Israeli press. Palestinian negotiations minister Saeb Erekat declared that "the maintenance of six settlement blocks in the West Bank is a recipe for closing all the doors in the peace process and its destruction." Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia was no less strident, warning that "any US guarantees to Israel that affect the final status issues...are unacceptable and will be rejected." On the day of Sharon's Washington visit, Yasser Arafat issued a hyperbolic statement from his Ramallah prison predicting that Bush's guarantees would "end the peace process" and cancel all existing agreements between Israel and the Palestinians — as if there were a peace process, and signed agreements were worth more than the paper they are printed on to either Bush or Sharon. But, really, what is all the fuss about? Sharon and Bush did not say anything new. In fact, Sharon's position indicates a significant shift towards Israel's traditional Labor-led "peace camp," while Bush simply rephrased formulas already used by former president Bill Clinton. Consider the vision former Israeli Labor Party prime minister Ehud Barak laid out in a May 2001 New York Times commentary:
What on earth is the difference between Barak's vision of 2001 and Sharon's vision of 2004? While Barak is viewed as being at the "hawkish" end of the Labor Party, things don't get much better at the "doveish" end. Barak's successor as Labor leader, General Amram Mitzna was one of the architects of the so-called Geneva Initiative — a virtual peace plan signed by Israeli opposition politicians and former PA officials acting with Arafat's blessing. Attempting to sell the virtues of this initiative to a skeptical Israeli public, Mitzna wrote in Ha'aretz last October:
Mitzna named more settlements
he wants to keep than Sharon!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Internationale
Socialisten" <info@internationalesocialisten.org>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004
6:41 PM
Subject: Aanstaand weekend
is het zover!
Aanstaand weekend is het zover!
MARXISME 2004: EEN FESTIVAL VAN VERZET Van vrijdag 23 t/m zondag 25 april vindt in Amsterdam een groot discussieweekend plaats, georganiseerd door de Internationale Socialisten. Met meer dan 300 deelnemers, prominente sprekers uit de sociale bewegingen in binnen- en buitenland, ruim 30 discussiebijeenkomsten en een vol avondprogramma belooft Marxisme 2004 een spetterend evenement te gaan worden. Een breed scala aan onderwerpen zal de revue passeren: - Vrijdagavond vanaf 19.30 uur: George Galloway, de Britse parlementariër die door Blair uit de Labour Party werd gezet wegens zijn anti-oorlogsstandpunt en nu in de verkiezingen de nieuwe Respect Coalition aanvoert, spreekt op het openingsdebat over de toekomst van links. Naast hem spreken o.a. Jittje de Vries (medeoprichtster Van Harte Pardon), Rene Danen (platform Keer het Tij), Hans van Heijningen (fractiemedewerker Socialistische Partij) en Pepijn Brandon (hoofdredacteur De Socialist). - Op zaterdagmiddag zal om 14.00 uur een groot discussieforum plaatsvinden over racisme in Nederland onder de titel ‘STOP DE HETZE!’ met als sprekers o.a. Mohammed Benzakour (columnist), Karima Belhaj en Bart Griffioen (Internationale Socialisten). - Zondagmiddag neemt om 14.00 uur Gretta Duisenberg deel aan het debat ‘Palestina: één of twee staten?’, samen met Wim Lankamp van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee en Sabby Sagall van de Britse Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Naast de debatten zijn er meer dan 30 discussiebijeenkomsten over onderwerpen als ‘Irak: moeten de troepen terug?’, ‘Lula’s Brazilie: verzet tegen het neoliberalisme?’, ‘Che Guevara: meer dan een symbool?’, ‘De hijab: baas op eigen hoofd’, ‘De Cairo Conferentie en een nieuw links in het Midden-Oosten’ en ‘Vrouwenbevrijding vandaag’. Ronald van Raak (fractiemedewerker van de SP) en Peyman Jafari (Internationale Socialisten) gaan met elkaar in debat over ‘De relevantie van Marx’. Schrijver Mowaffk Al-Sawad spreekt over ‘De verraden opstand tegen Saddam Hussein’. Deelnemers kunnen bovendien cursussen volgen, o.a. over ‘marxistische filosofie’, ‘marxistische economie’ en ‘imperialisme en oorlog’. Er zal op het weekend ook uitgebreid ruimte zijn voor cultuur en ontspanning. Tijdens het programma worden verschillende films en documentaires vertoond waaronder The Fourth World War, die eerder vertoond werd op het IDFA. Op zaterdagavond is er vanaf 20.00 uur een groot feest met optredens van o.a. de swingende Marokkaanse band Daqa Marraksia Amsterdam, caribische muziek van de dansformatie Earthquake Brass, hiphopster BadBrya en Bots, de legendarische protestband uit de jaren zeventig. Het weekend zal plaatsvinden in de IVKO-school, Plantage Middenlaan 27, in het centrum van Amsterdam. Meer informatie over het programma en de kaartverkoop is te vinden op: http://www.internationalesocialisten.org of mail naar: marxisme2004@internationalesocialisten.org ______________________________________________________________________