NPK-info 03-03-2005- Nederlands Palestina Komitee /
The Wall's new route (27 February 2005)
Against the Apartheid Wall: The grassroots raise the resistance over the last fortnight
Latest News, The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, March 1st, 2005
Global Boycott of Israeli Occupation, March, 2005
Demonstreer 19 maart mee in Brussel
Palestinian population exceeds Jewish population says U.S. government
Michael Brown, Ali Abunimah, and Nigel Parry, The Electronic Intifada, 1 March 2005
Een idee: ieder gewoon laten stemmen ;)
Iets voor de democratiediscussie
- 5 maart Midden-Oosten-discussie in De Balie http://www.debalie.nl/
Alvast noteren: De Balie 9 april 14 uur met o.a. Uri Davis over o.a. Apartheid Israel
Allerlei nog
- De VS en Israel
- 3,653 Palestinians killed (Shuhada) by Israeli forces
  28 September,  2000 and 10 February, 2005
- A small but welcome step
 Press Release, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), 19 February 2005
- Israel Severely Violates Ceasefire
  February 17, 2005
- Israel provokes Palestinian resistance groups in Nablus, kills two
  Ray Smith writing from Nablus, occupied Palestine, Live from Palestine, 16 February 2005
- A One-Sided Story, March 03, 2005, MIFTAH
Hierna e.e.a. over de "suicide bombing in Tel Aviv".
NPK/WL, 3-3-2005
From: Alison Weir <mailto:alisonweir@yahoo.com>  
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:
Sent: 2/27/05 9:13:24 AM
Subject: [ba-cesi] victims were ALL soldiers

1. Those killed in Friday night's suicide bombing were all members of an Israeli combat unit that had taken part in numerous brutal invasions into civilian Palestinian neighborhoods.

2. This unit, as part of these invasions, had been responsible for the deaths and mutilation of numerous Palestinian men, women, and children.

3. The truce was shattered long before this bombing:   8 Palestinians had been killed by Israelis -- 2 of them within 24 hours of the truce being declared. 170 Palestinian men, women, and children had been killed, and 379 injured, by Israeli forces since the previous suicide bombing against Israeli civilians (Nov. 1, 2004). This had taken 3 Israeli lives.

Please call, email, or write your local news outlets and ask them to report these facts.
This information is widely available in Israel. Americans need to have these facts as well.

Feb. 26, 2005 18:36  | Updated Feb. 26, 2005 18:58
IDF unit struck hard by Tel Aviv bomber

Friday night's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv struck an IDF combat unit
especially hard. The unit was all invited to celebrate a party for one of
its soldiers, and stood at the entrance to the 'Stage' club when the bomber
detonated his bomb-belt.

The platoon commander, Eran Cohen, told Army Radio, "There were 13 of us
there. All the fatalities are from our unit. Many more were wounded."

Eran called the unit's soldiers, "The best of the best. Israel's elite."

In the past five years of this war, we have carried out virtually every
single mission in the territories
and underwent nearly every kind of
attempted attack. In five years, none of our troops were wounded. It's
ironic that we were hit so hard in one explosion on a Friday night in Tel
Aviv, just before a party," Eran said.

Alison Weir
Executive Director
If Americans Knew



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