NPK-info 06-09-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org

Minister Bot, 31-8 in Kamercie over vnl. Libanon, gaf daar aan
- NL neemt niet het initiatief de EU-Associatieraad bijeen te roepen (schending
- NL neemt geen initiatief om onderzoek te laten doen naar oorlogsmisdaden,
ondanks rapportage van Jan Egeland (VN) en van Amnesty.
- Wapens via Schiphol naar Israel? De minister kijkt niet in elke vrachtkist.

Aandachtspunt: de diverse verkiezingsprogramma's en komende partijcongressen!
Handig hierbij de "Palestinian Civil Society Call" van 9-7-2005

- 7-9 Brussel: Debat Libanon-Palestina - en nu?
- 10-9 Amsterdam: After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine (details hierna)
En zie http://www.tni.org/mideast/index.htm
- 23-9 Amsterdam Museumplein anti-oorlogsdemonstratie
Zie www.stopoorlog.nl (was helaas enkele dagen uit de lucht)

- Rage of the Elephant: Israel in Lebanon, September 05, 2006, Ronnie Kasrils
Quote: "How much longer will the world permit Israel to get away with land theft and
child murder?"
- The Worst Kind of Terror, Murder on Rucarb Street, Eliza Ernshire, 08/31/06
- The price of Israel, Lamis Andoni, Al-Ahram Weekly
31 August - 6 September 2006
- For Israel's Security? Ramzy Kysia, August 28, 2006
Zainab Fawqi-Sleem and the Question of Lebanon
- Genocide in Gaza, Ilan Pappe, 2 September 2006
- Gaza's darkness, Gideon Levy

NPK/WL, 6-9-2006

----- Original Message -----
From: <aktielijst@antenna.nl>
To: <aktielijst@antenna.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 2:54 PM
Subject: [Aktielijst] 10/9 After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine

Sunday 10 September 2006

The American Book Center, Transnational Institute and Democrats Abroad
Present:* After Lebanon: The US, Israel and Palestine *

Israel's defeat in Lebanon is a defeat for the U.S.-Israeli alliance, for
Bush's 'global war on terror,' and for the U.S. policy of
'democratization' across the Middle East. It's the UN's turn now to try
and appease Israel and it's neighbours. But the continuing threat of more
Israeli aggression; the rise of support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and a
solution to the Palestine-Israeli conflict more distant than ever, make
the UN effort a hazardous one at best.
Phyllis Bennis analyses the outcome of the war; the consequences for the
US as a player in the region and the potential role for anti-war

Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of both the Transnational Institute (TNI,
Amsterdam) and the Insitute for Policy Studies (IPS, Washington DC).
Phyllis is a journalist specialising in Middle East and United Nations
issues. Formerly based at the United Nations, she has worked on US
domination of the UN, international interventions and US foreign policy
and interventions in the Middle East.

She is the author and editor of books on Palestine, Iraq, the UN and the
New World Order, her most recent publications are:
Challenging Empire - People, Governments and the UN defy US Power
(Interlink, 2006)
Before & After - US Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis
(Interlink, 2002)

ABC Treehouse: Voetboogstraat 11, Amsterdam
coffee 6:30 pm, start 7:00 pm
free entrance, English spoken

Contact Andrea Sturkenboom via andrea@tni.org for reservations

For more information on Phyllis and a selection of her articles:

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