NPK-info 24-12-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org
Speciaal voor minister Bot in zijn nieuwe rol als kindervriend
- Remember Do’a, martyred by the Occupation on her way from school, December 21st, 2006
http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/1380.shtml - Palestinian Child Fatalities
- Mensenrechten en Zuid-Libanon (NMO 10-12-2006)
Pleidooi voor internationaal onderzoek (VN?) vanwege grootscheepse schending
van mensenrechten (Israelische clusterbommen, etcetera); Bot?
- The Palestinian National Initiative
- Wir wollen Frieden, Gespräch mit Chaled Meschaal, 16-12-2006
- Israel blocks another UN fact-finding mission, Michael F. Brown, 22 December 2006
Israel 'blocks Tutu Gaza mission' 11 December 2006
- Israel’s Supreme Court Approves Assassinations, December 14, 2006
".. Since September 2000, Israeli military forces have assassinated 582 Palestinians in
operations classified by Israel as “targeted killings,” including 257 innocent bystanders...."
- John Berger and 93 other authors, film-makers, musicians and performerscall for a cultural boycott of Israel, Press Release, PACBI, 15 December 2006
http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6236.shtml - PRCS Emergency appeal 2007
Meen Er Habi (Free Palestine)
Long Live Palestine
NPK/WL, 24-12-2006
Israel/Lebanon Out of all proportion - civilians bear the brunt of the war
http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGMDE020332006 ______________________________________________________________________
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