NPK-info 26-05-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org

NSF was zeer succesvol; verslagen komen langzamerhand op de NSF-site.
- Hierna de kern van de speech van Mustafa Barghouti.
- Europese Sanctiecampagne: http://www.against-the-wall.org
Zie ook persbericht op NPK-site.

- 28-5 Amsterdam: Uitnodiging Breaking the Silence
- Donationcampaign for medicine and food convoy to Palestinians

- PMRS Responds to Killing of 4 Palestinians During Israeli Military Incursion into Ramallah
- Israel must Renounce Violence; Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic

- Open Letter to NATFHE from Palestinian Academics Under Israeli Occupation
Press Release, PACBI, 23 May 2006

NPK/WL, 26-5-2006

Uit het NSF en zie ook www.sociaalforum.nl

In de vrijdagse openingsbijeenkomst klaagde Mustafa Barghouti Israel aan als

“a country of apartheid”. Internationale solidariteit daartegen is noodzakelijk om Palestina

te bevrijden van kolonialisme zoals ook andere nationale bevrijdingsbewegingen als

steun internationaal verkregen. Geschetst werd de desastreuze Israëlische bezettingspolitiek

en opgeroepen werd tot vier activiteiten

- Zorg voor internationale aanwezigheid in Palestina door bezoeken te organiseren;

kom zelf kijken zoals de ISM doet; internationale aanwezigheid is erg belangrijk

- Zorg voor verbreking van de huidige westerse boycot van Palestina

- Stop de westerse wapenhandel met Israel

- Dwing uitvoering af van het advies over de muur van het Internationaal Gerechtshof

zoals overgenomen door de VN


Van: EAJG [mailto:eajg@xs4all.nl]
Verzonden: dinsdag 23 mei 2006 14:55
Aan: eajg@xs4all.nl
Onderwerp: Uitnodiging Breaking the Silence

EAJG presenteert, voor het eerst in Nederland:

Breaking the Silence

Israëlische ex-soldaten vertellen over hun ervaringen in de Palestijnse Bezette Gebieden.

Breaking the Silence probeert door middel van de verhalen van
Israëlische soldaten een publieke discussie op gang te brengen.
Medeoprichter en voorzitter Yehuda Shaul komt vertellen over deze groep dappere Israëli’s.

Datum: 28 mei 2006
Tijd: 19.30 uur
Plaats: Uilenburger synagoge, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, (nabij Waterlooplein), Amsterdam

Info en reserveren: eajg@xs4all.nl of 020 6795850

Stichting Een Ander Joods Geluid
Postbus 59506
1040 LA Amsterdam
tel: 020 6795850
fax: 020 6758925

Van: intl-bounces@mailman.gush-shalom.org [mailto:intl-bounces@mailman.gush-shalom.org] Namens Gush Shalom
Verzonden: woensdag 24 mei 2006 18:48
Aan: intl@mailman.gush-shalom.org
Onderwerp: Please,send a donation for medicine and food convoy to Palestinians

Help Israeli coalition of peace groups
bring aide to the Palestinians
-besieged, boycotted, occupied-

At the urgent call of our Palestinian contacts Israel peace groups got together. Something must be done against the collective punishment of the Palestinian people for how they voted in their democratically held elections.

We begin our protest June 3, in Tel-Aviv, in the week that the occupation enters it's 40th year. A week later, June 10, we will go with a convoy of food and medicines in the direction of besieged Nablus. On that same day Physicians for Human Rights will get medicines to Palestinian hospitals elsewhere.

You can help us by taking part in the effort financially.

In the U.S., Canada, U.K., Holland and Germany tax-exempted donations can be madeto Gush Shalom - reply to this mail for the details and don't forget to, earmark it for 'Coalition Campaign Medicines and Food for Palestinians'. Or make your earmarked donation through Physicians for Human Rights-Israel - see attachment - but please, inform us that you did it. Donations to PHR-I are enjoying tax-exemption in Israel and abroad.

We will soon pass on to you in Hebrew, English and Arabica statement ofthe new Coalition Against Boycott and Siege, including a list of participating organizations.

GUSH SHALOM p.o.b. 3322 Tel Aviv 61033
Your donation helps make our voice heard
Please, send checks in your own currency – for confirmation of receipt include email address
In several countries tax-exemption can be obtained by donating through local charities
info@gush-shalom.org For information, write to
. w w w w , g u s h - s h a l o m - o r g

PMRS Responds to Killing of 4 Palestinians During Israeli Military Incursion into Ramallah

Ramallah, 24-05-06: The Palestinian Medical Relief Society’s (PMRS) Emergency Response Team were at the scene of an Israeli military incursion into the heart of Ramallah today, during which 4 Palestinians were killed, and 50 others wounded. A further 5 Palestinians were arrested.

The incursion came as the Israeli military’s undercover Duvdevan unit entered a building in the city’s Clock Square, allegedly to make an arrest, but were surrounded by a group of unarmed Palestinians and prevented from leaving the building. Six Israeli military jeeps entered the city as backup, and were met by a barrage of stones, garbage cans, and paint launched by unarmed Palestinian protestors. At this point, the Israeli military began shooting live bullets and tear gas at protestors, killing four Palestinians and injuring up to 50 others.

PMRS ambulances helped ferry the dead and wounded to Ramallah’s Sheikh Zaid Hospital.

PMRS calls for urgent action by the international community to condemn the killings, to protest ongoing Israeli escalatory military actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to end the financial and political embargo against the Palestinian people.

Such actions by Israel come in the context of an already fragile political situation and an impending humanitarian crisis, as the ability of the Ministry of Health to maintain service provision and intervene in emergency situations has been weakened by donor funding cuts.

Today’s tragic events in Ramallah serve to bring two important facts to the attention of the international community:

1. The Occupation and its associated ills continues; and

2. Such emergency situations brought about by the Occupation are intensified by the acute financial crisis currently facing the Palestinian people.


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