NPK-info 27-01-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org
The Wall in a Week http://stopthewall.org/latestnews/1084.shtml
Palestijnen in Israel http://www.arabhra.org/publications/reports/index.htm
- Hamas Victory Redraws Political Map Of Middle East
January 27, 2006, Nidal al-Mughrabi
- Hamas Election Victory: A Vote for Clarity
Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 26 January 2006
Quote: ".. Thus Hamas' success is as much an expression of
the determination of Palestinians
to resist Israel's efforts to force their surrender as it is a
rejection of Fatah. It reduces the conflict
to its most fundamental elements: there is occupation, and there
is resistance..."
- Meer op o.a. http://electronicIntifada.net
- Speech Abbas bijgaand.
- VVD en CDA willen "financiële hulp" aan de Palestijnse
gebieden bevriezen of stoppen.
Israel's kolonisatiepolitiek leidde hen nog nooit tot acties richting
Israel; Israël heeft nog nooit geweld hoeven afzweren...
Advies Internationaal Gerechtshof juli 2004, VN, ach ....
Hierover een "quiz": http://www.ncrv.nl/ncrv?nav=qgjfLsHtGDCRF
Diverse berichten
- Behind the Walls, in Israel
Quote: "...calls on the international community committed
to peace and human rights to take all possible
and necessary steps to halt the growing legitimization of the
phenomenon of racial separation in Israel..."
- IDF cantonizes W. Bank, sealing in Palestinians
Amira Hass, Haaretz Correspondent, 13/01/2006
NPK/WL, 27-1-2007
P.O.BOX 25047 East Jerusalem TEL (02) 5819777 FAX (02) 5829534
January 27, 2006
The following is the unofficial translation of President Abbas'
speech after the announcement of the results of the PLC elections:
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Our Palestinian people in the homeland and in the Diaspora, I
address you today after I received the official results of the
elections of our Legislative Council which were held with integrity
and transparency.
I congratulate our people on this great democratic accomplishment
which is considered a leading model that gained the respect of
the whole world. I will conduct immediately the necessary consultations
to start the formation of the new Palestinian government after
the new PLC is sworn in.
I have to be honest with you and say that the next government
has grave tasks and burdens; there are Palestinian-Israeli agreements
starting with the Oslo Accords and the Arab Summits resolutions
and ending with the resolutions that have been agreed upon by
the international community, in particular the roadmap as the
sole framework that is being posed now for implementation, and
this is a plan that includes the vision of US President Bush on
establishing two states living side by side and that the Israeli
occupation that took place in 1967 must end and to solve the refugees
issue according to Resolution 194 and the Arab Initiative in Beirut
All of this constitutes political principles and grounds upon
which I was elected as President of the PNA and these represent
core elements in the program of the PLO which I was entrusted
to head.
The main goal of my people and authority and the government is
to end the occupation and to establish the independent Palestinian
state with al-Quds al-Shareef as its capital and the next government
has to work with perseverance to gain the confidence of the international
community and the international public opinion in order to confront
the settlements activities in all their forms and the Apartheid
wall and to release our heroic prisoners and establish our independent
Palestinian state with al-Quds al-Shareef as its capital.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
In the same determination that I showed to hold the elections
all over the homeland, including al-Quds al-Shareef, I am committed
to implement the program upon which you elected me and this is
a program understood by the whole world and it is a program based
on the negotiations and a peaceful solution of the conflict with
Israel. It is a program that clings to the national constants
with regards to the independent sovereign state with al-Quds al-Shareef
as its capital and which can guarantee the rights of our refugees;
a program that seeks the unity of the Palestinian people within
the context of the PLO which is the sole and legitimate representative
of the Palestinian people and we will work God Willing to activate
the role of the PLO and develop its role inside and outside since
it is the higher reference that protects the national program
and the declaration of the Palestinian independence and the resolutions
of the PNC terms and all agreements and documents that we signed
and committed to. Together God willing we will proceed to realize
the dream for which dozens of thousands of martyrs sacrificed
their lives for which is a free and independent Palestinian state;
a democratic and prosperous state on the basis of clinging to
our national unity and democracy and political pluralism and equality
among all citizens and guarantee the personal freedoms and equality
between man and woman as stressed in the Declaration of Independence.
Peace be upon you