NPK-info 5-3-2007 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org
Soemoed nr 1 van 2007 is uit; voor inhoud en bestelwijze zie hierna.
Gaza's Reality - Would you be able to live like this?
"We live in constant fear" / Video Runtime 5 minutes
- 14 maart tot 5 mei, Antwerpen : Festival 'Palestinian Notes'
- 17 en 18 maart, Amsterdam De Balie Bil'in My Love
- 24 maart, Amsterdam: Info-avond en benefiet voor politiek café in Palestina
- CAIRO CONFERENTIE 29 MAART - 1 APRIL 2007; versterk de delegatie uit Nederland.
Anti-oorlogsbeweging in het Midden-Oosten bundelt haar krachten
- Opinion/Editorial section of EI (#)
- Palestinian youth in Bethlehem area fully support non-violent resistance
Adri Nieuwhof, 4 March 2007 http://electronicintifada.net:80/v2/article6622.shtml?url - Occupied Gaza like apartheid South Africa, says UN report (*)
Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem, February 23, 2007 http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,2019547,00.html - How to Live With Hunger, February 26, 2007
http://www.antiwar.com/hacohen/ - Israeli group calls for increased rights for Arabs, Rory McCarthy, February 28, 2007
http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,2023460,00.html Quote: "..... Israel should be defined not as a Jewish state but
as a "democratic, bilingual and multicultural state" ....."
- Recensie 'Blood and religion' van Jonathan Cook; www.uitpers.be
'Achter het masker van de Israëlische democratie' - Uitpers nr. 79, oktober 2006
- Reisdoel Palestina, Margot Heijnsbroek; http://www.papierentijger.org/
Avonturen in de zeventiger jaren of toch niet?
NPK/WL, 5-3-2007
Soemoed nr 1 van 2007 is uit; te bestellen door overmaking van EURO 4,50
op Postbankrekeningnummer 2047409, t.n.v. Stichting Palestina Publikaties, Amsterdam, o.v.v. Soemoed, nummer 35/1. Zie op http://www.palestina-komitee.nl/ voor i.i.g. het redactioneel en de inhoudsopgave
van jaargang 35, nummer 1 (januari - februari 2007) Inhoud
- FATAH & HAMAS - een gedachtewisseling met Palestina-specialist Jean-François Legrain (pp. 4-6).- Dit is een poging de verkiezingsuitslag ongedaan te maken! (p. 7) - De Mekka-overeenkomst een doorbraak? (pp. 8-9) - Tekst Mekka-overeenkomst (8 februari 2007) (p. 10). - Het autisme van David Grossman - doctor honoris causa van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) (pp. 11-15). - Boekbespreking: Een kanker in het hart van de staat (Ilan Pappé: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine) (pp. 16-18). - Wij hebben een lobby nodig zoals destijds de anti-Apartheidsbeweging - een gesprek met de Israelische historicus Ilan Pappé (pp. 19-21). - Vergeten gelovigen - de christelijke presentie in het Heilige Land (pp. 22-23). - Waarom staat de PKN zo kritiekloos tegenover Israel? - een interview met predikant Henri Veldhuis (pp. 24-26). - Project Hoop helpt in Nabloes (pp. 26-27). - De geheime geschiedenis van Israels atoombom (Deel I) (pp. 28-31). ______________________________________________________________________
Opinion/Editorial section of EI (#)
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 4 March 2007 On March 2, Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama gave a speech that proved that when it came to supporting Israel he is "as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as Giuliani" in the words of one Israeli journalist. Obama blamed Palestinians for the failure of peace efforts and uttered no criticism of Israeli policies. Yet once upon a time Obama supported Palestinian rights and an even-handed US approach to solving the conflict. EI co-founder Ali Abunimah who has met the candidate half a dozen times over a decade analyzes the speech and traces Obama's path into the hardline pro-Israel camp. [MORE] How to Live with Hunger
Ran HaCohen, The Electronic Intifada, 27 February 2007 When I was a child, a popular argument in favor of the Israeli "liberation," i.e., occupation, of the Palestinian territories was its being a blessing for the Palestinians themselves. "When we took it over," I was told at school, "there were just a couple of cars in the entire West Bank. And look how many they have now!" Indeed, in the first decades of the Israeli occupation, the Palestinian standard of living was on the rise -- not because of Israeli investments (Israel never invested a cent in Palestinian welfare or infrastructure), but mainly because Israel exploited the Palestinians as a cheap labor force, and even a cheap labor force gets paid. [MORE] Apartheid looks like this Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 23 February 2007 The scene: a military checkpoint deep in Palestinian territory in the West Bank. A tall, thin elderly man, walking stick in hand, makes a detour past the line of Palestinians, many of them young men, waiting obediently behind concrete barriers for permission from an Israeli soldier to leave one Palestinian area, the city of Nablus, to enter another Palestinian area, the neighbouring village of Huwara. The long queue is moving slowly, the soldier taking his time to check each person's papers. The old man heads off purposefully down a parallel but empty lane reserved for vehicle inspections. A young soldier controlling the human traffic spots him and orders him back in line. The old man stops, fixes the soldier with a stare and refuses. [MORE] Reinforcing the Occupation: Israel's High Court Louis Frankethaler, The Electronic Intifada, 21 February 2007 Journalist Gideon Levy wrote in the Israeli daily Haaretz: "From now on, the [Israeli] Supreme Court will act without Aharon Barak. It will, however, presumably continue to act within his legacy, which has authorized nearly all injustices in the territories. Barak, meanwhile, will continue to be depicted in Israel and the world as a pursuer of justice." The Israeli High Court of Justice under the presidency of Professor Barak has impressed many observers as being many things: progressive, daring, precedent setting. However, the actual results of the Barak Court offer little in the way of comparison to a Court like the Warren Court in the United States. [MORE] Core issues absent from Rice's peace rhetoric agenda Michael F. Brown, The Electronic Intifada, 19 February 2007 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will meet today with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Ostensibly, they are to talk of a "political horizon" in order for Abbas to relay to the Palestinian people a "vision" of what could be. This now appears to be little more than a hallucination put out for public consumption. Borders, Jerusalem, and Palestinian refugees cannot be expected to highlight the agenda. Consequently, if these three issues are not central to discussions, this is not a political horizon but a cliff for Palestinians. A horizon, properly viewed, simply cannot omit these three central concerns. [MORE] It's Time to Visit Gaza Miko Peled, The Electronic Intifada, 13 February 2007 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one area where liberals and neo-conservatives in America find common ground. From Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton all the way to George Bush and Condoleezza Rice one and all are united in supporting Israel's assault on the Palestinian people and their land. The criticism of Jimmy Carter's book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid is a case in point. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi outdid herself by issuing a statement that: "It is wrong to suggest that the Jewish people would support a government in Israel or anywhere else that institutionalizes ethnically based oppression." Wrong to suggest? Here is something right to suggest: Madam Speaker, it is time for you to visit Gaza. [MORE] Israeli Arabs: 'Who are we and what do we want?' Rima Merriman, The Electronic Intifada, 13 February 2007 While Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza are scrambling to come up with a new national Palestinian vision, Israeli Arabs are looking for ways to wrest equal citizenship rights for themselves as non-Jews in a state whose reason for existence is to nurture Jewish identity and culture. According to a recent New York Times news item, "A group of prominent Israeli Arabs [in a report issued in December 2006] has called on Israel to stop defining itself as a Jewish State and become a 'consensual democracy for both Arabs and Jews,' prompting consternation and debate across the country." [MORE] ______________________________________________________________________
Info-avond en benefiet optredens voor politiek café in Palestina
Zaterdag 24 maart 2007 ´Vrankrijk´ Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam Aanvang info-avond 20.00 uur Kort overzicht van de geschiedenis van Israel en Palestina, persoonlijke ervaringen van verblijf in de Westbank en informatie over het politieke café en andere interessante projecten in Palestina. Vanaf 21.30 uur optredens van de Palestijnse muziekgroep ´Hanien´ (heimwee), punkbank ´Cathode´ en de swingende Utrechtse rock ´n roll band ´Elvis and the Burgerkings´ In Beit Sahour, vlakbij Bethlehem, is onlangs een alternatief café opgericht waar internationale vrijwilligers en actieve Palestijnen elkaar kunnen ontmoeten, ideeen en ervaringen kunnen uitwisselen en nieuwe plannen kunnen ontwikkelen. In samenwerking met het Alternative Information Center worden ook lezingen georganiseerd en documentaires vertoond en er wordt een alternatieve bibliotheek ingericht. Entree 3 euro Uitgebreide info-stand aanwezig Info-night and benefit concert for political café in Beit Sahour, Westbank, Palestine. For non-dutch speakers, there will be translation into English Info: kletschert@hotmail.com / 06 22080450 ______________________________________________________________________ (*)
By Rory McCarthy Guardian (UK) February 23, 2007 Jerusalem - A UN human rights investigator has likened Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories to apartheid South Africa and says there should be "serious consideration" over bringing the occupation to the international court of justice. The report by John Dugard, a South African law professor who is the UN's special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, represents some of the most forceful criticism yet of Israel's 40-year occupation. Prof Dugard said although Israel and apartheid South Africa were different regimes, "Israel's laws and practices in the OPT [occupied Palestinian territories] certainly resemble aspects of apartheid." His comments are in an advance version of a report on the UN Human Rights Council's website ahead of its session next! month. After describing the situation for Palestinians in the West Bank, with closed zones, demolitions and preference given to settlers on roads, with building rights and by the army, he said: "Can it seriously be denied that the purpose of such action is to establish and maintain domination by one racial group (Jews) over another racial group (Palestinians) and systematically oppressing them? Israel denies that this is its intention or purpose. But such an intention or purpose may be inferred from the actions described in this report." He dismissed Israel's argument that the sole purpose of the vast concrete and steel West Bank barrier is for security. "It has become abundantly clear that the wall and checkpoints are principally aimed at advancing the safety, convenience and comfort of settlers," he said. Gaza remained under occupation despite the withdrawal of settlers in 2005. "In effect, following Israel's withdrawal, Gaza ! became a sealed-off, imprisoned and occupied territory," he said. Prof Dugard said his mandate was solely to report on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories and he described as a violation of international humanitarian law the firing of rockets by Palestinians from Gaza into Israel. "Such actions cannot be condoned and clearly constitute a war crime," he said. "Nevertheless, Israel's response has been grossly disproportionate and indiscriminate and resulted in the commission of multiple war crimes." To read the full report: http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/4session/A.HRC.4.17.pdf/! DIV> ______________________________________________________________________
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