NPK-info 21-03-2007 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org
Correctie vorige NPK-info: 22-3 lezing Van Agt was jaar eerder :(
Quote: ".. It was the analogy between Israel and South Africa's apartheid that
she used in justifying the academic boycott movement of recent years..."
http://www.qumsiyeh.org:80/tanyareinhart/ Second Annual Conference in Bil'in, Palestine 18 - 20 April 2007 http://www.bilin-village.org:80/conference2007/ Clusterbommen (ze geven een goed rendement)
- Het clusterbomgevoel - 18 maart
- Antwoord op Kamervragen over mogelijke schendingen humanitair oorlogsrecht
door inzet van VS-clusterbommen door Israël, 21-02-2007
Antwoord op Kamervragen vanwege uitspraak Israëlische Hooggerechtshof inzake legitimiteit
"buitengerechtelijke dodingen" (elders moord genoemd), 26-02-2007
"... Nederland speelt een rol in het toezien op de naleving van het internationale recht, onder meer door in voorkomende
gevallen Israël te wijzen op zijn verplichtingen onder het internationale recht...", lipservice dus.
Excerpts from the Program of the [11th] National Unity Government, March 15, 2007 by Al-Ayyam
Israel shuns Palestinian cabinet
The Lost Five Years of the Peace Process, March 16, 2007 by Akiva Eldar
Norway-Hamas link angers Israel, 20 March 2007
Humiliation and Child Abuse at Israeli Checkpoints Strip-Searching Children, March 17, 2007 by Alison Weir
Olmert Reveals Real Goal of War in Lebanon, March 14, 2007 by Jonathan Cook
"Silent" expulsion of Palestinians holding foreign passports from the Palestinian Territory, occupied by Israel.
ICRR - Israeli Committee for Right of Residency, 18 March 2007; zie hierna. NPK/WL, 21-3-2007
Israeli Committee for Right of Residency 18 March 2007
``Silent" expulsion of Palestinians holding foreign passports from the Palestinian Territory, occupied by Israel. A Draconian change in the policy of the Israeli government with respect to residency and visitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) has been implemented, since sometime in early 2006, by means of a change in practices at the border entry points. People of Palestinian ethnicity holding foreign passports are subjected to denial of permission to enter or reenter or to prolong their stay even if they have lived in the OPT for many years, and established family, business, or employment. This intolerable situation would never have arisen if the Oslo accords which determine the relationship between Israel and the Palestinian Authority had assigned responsibility for entry and residency in the OPT to the Palestinian Authority. The present policy is, in itself, a violation of the existing Oslo accords in that the interim agreement states clearly that entry to the OPT via Israel for citizens of countries with which Israel has a visa agreement requires only a valid passport of the specific country. Subsequent Israeli court decisions have validated this position. It is also unacceptable that no procedure exists for the acquisition of permanent residency on the basis of marriage or employment that would be compatible with international standards. One is driven to the conclusion that denial of foreign passport-holding members of Palestinian society from entering or remaining in the OPT, even though that required periodic renewal of temporary visas, which had been in place for many years, is indicative of a subtle policy of ethnic cleansing aimed at a vital component of Palestinian society whose contribution to public welfare is essential. Those subject to this discrimination include business persons, professionals and academics whose role in the economy, medicine, public health, education and general well-being of society is most significant. To appreciate the devastating scope of the severe measures that are now being applied please examine the Statement of the Presidents of the Palestinian Universities, http://right2edu.birzeit.edu/news/article425 the study by the highly respected Israeli human-rights NGO B'tselem,
http://www.btselem.org/Download/200607_Perpetual_Limbo_Eng.doc the statement by the Palestinian ad hoc committee addressing this issue, the ``Campaign for the Right to Enter"
http://www.righttoenter.ps as well as many media reports, of which we will only mention one recently
published in the prestigious science weekly Nature, Vol. 445, p. 136 (11 January 2007). You may also read this article, as well as a more detailed presentation of the subject matter, in http://kibush.co.il/show_file.asp?num=18576
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